Chapter four

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Chapter four: Near

Dream kept trying to remember that name. 'Killer', Dream's heard it so many times, but is still unable to remember. Dream was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice Killer and Toby trying to get his attention till it was to late.
Dream was suddenly flicked on the skull.

Dream hissed at Killer. Killer just rolled his pupils, did he even have eyes or pupils? Dream couldn't tell, he still had the hood over his head.
Toby looked up at Dream and raced after Killer, Dream also followed even if he didn't want to.

Killer opened a door and walked inside, Toby followed his tail swinging side to side. Dream walked in after Toby and closed the door behind himself.

This was definitely Killer's room and not another room to take you through a maze. This whole entire place seemed like a maze.

There wasn't much in the small square room, a bed, a dresser, a basket, and a small closet. That looked sad, Dream bet that every room was just like this. That or Killer just wanted this room to look sad and really simple.

Killer flopped down on his bed, face first. An arm and leg on the side of the bed. Toby climbed on his lower back, his paw slipping through Killer's side. Killer had absolutely no reaction. Toby climbed near his head and curled into a ball falling fastly asleep.

Hate welled up inside Dream. Dream hated having no happy emotions, he wished that all of his emotions where taken instead. Dream huffed leaning against the wall and just watched Toby and Killer sleep as Dream slowly dozed off after them.

----Later that night----

Killer slowly opened his eye sockets. He tried to lift his head but something was on his head. It was breathing, Killer jerked up, a yelp echoed in the room. He looked behind himself, it was that fox that keeps following him, which Micah called, 'Toby'.

The fox starred at him for a moment then crawled in his lap. Falling asleep.
Killer growled but didn't move. Killer glanced over at Micah, poor thing was shaking. Killer pushed Toby off of him and pulled the blanket off of the bed. Killer put the blanket on Micah and started to walk away. Toby tugged on Killer's cloak, Killer looked down at the fox. They gestured Killer over to Micah. Killer crossed his arms, "No." He whispered.

Toby pushed Killer lightly over to the wall. Killer huffed sitting by Micah. He tilted his head raising his non-existent eyebrows asking if he had to do anything more for the fox. Toby just yawned laying by Killer in a ball.

Killer was about to close his eye sockets when Micah moved, Micah layed their head on Killer's lap. Killer's face turned to a light shade of red as dust dusted across it.

"I hate you fox."

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