Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen: Your touch is from the Gods

"Ink what are you doing?" Error asked Ink who let go of Error's sleeve.

When Ink said he wanted this to be a very special memory, he didn't mean that he'd kiss Error. No, Ink wanted to be able to touch him -Error's hand.
Year's of failure, but this time he hopes that he could hold Error's hand without Error crashing for once.

Ink's room was 'messy' or so Error says. The walls where covered in paintings that Ink made, one made by Error. Some box' full of journals of sketches. Ink's bed was white with a red blanket over it. Over the head of the bed was a curten, behind it was photo's, drawings, and paintings that Ink liked the most. Mostly of Error and the Joku brother's.
Beside the bed was a wooden bedside table with a lantern on it. Ink called the lantern a lamp.

The carpet was rainbow and the walls -that were almost impossible to see- and celling were dark blue.
At the foot of Ink's bed was a flag. This flag had lines of the rainbow on it.

Ink looked up at the taller as Ink held his hand out. Ink's back felt like it was on fire.
Error looked down to Ink's hand going over his options on what to do.

After a good minute Error hesitantly rose his hand putting it ontop of Ink's. Ink smiled at Error but still not content.

Ink intertwined their fingers. Error continued to look at their hands like it was the coolest thing in the entire world, in which to Ink, it was the coolest thing in the world. "E-error?" Ink asked, Error snapped his attention back to the smaller. "Can I hug you?" Ink blushed a little.

Error slowly nodded pulling Ink towards himself.
Ink imedenty wrapping his arms around Error, Error hesitantly hugged Ink back.
"I love you Error. You know that right?"

"I love you too, Inky."


Error and Ink walked along the pathways of the village. Unlike Nightmare's kingdom, it was clean and everyone was nice and not constantly fighting for food and living in their own filth.
Everone knew everyone making it one of the safest kingdom's.

Error's kingdom was. . . . . Okay really. Out of Ink's, Error's, and Nightmare's kingdom's Nightmare's would be the most dangerous making Error's the second most dangerous.
There's probably a resistance for Nightmare's. Knowing all the shit he has done.

Some of the villagers waved at them. Few came up and give gifts like flowers and hugs -In which Error refuse's.
Some of the noticed that Ink was clinging to Error's arm like his life depended on it.

A little human girl with dirty blond hair in a blood red dress that went down past her knees ran up with something behind her back.
"Hi!" She said stopping infront of Ink with a big smile of purity.
"Hi." Ink said with a sweet smile. She would often come up to Ink for a hug or give flowers. "Can I get a hug?" She asked, for living creatures hugs are important it makes someone feel better.
No wonder Error's such an ass-

"Of course!" Ink let go of Error's arm kneeling down and gave the girl a hug. The girl looked up at Error with a daisy in her hand. She moved it back and forth offering it to Error.
Error nodded and picked up the flower. The girl smiled and let go of Ink and ran off.

Ink stood up and held Error's hand again. "What's that?" Ink pointed to the daisy that Error was holding as they resumed walking. Error looked down at the daisy. "A flower dumb ass." Error told him in response Ink pushed him a little. "Error." Ink huffed.



Ink and Error approached a large gray wall with a small door about seven feet.

This wall separated Ink's kingdom, and Error's. The only way to open the door was a special key that only Error and Ink have. The door is magic resistant meaning that no-one can blast the door down with any sort of magic.

Sometimes Error would leave Ink at Ink's castle or they would walk all the way here. It was usally Error leaving Ink at Ink's castle. "Guess this is where we part Inky." A rainbow blush spread across Ink's face at the nickname that Error gave him.

"Yeah." Ink looked down. Error put the daisy in his jacket pocket then lifted Ink's chin to look up at Error. Error gently kissed Ink's forehead, Ink's blush darkened. "See you later, Inky."


"This locket belonged to my brother, Chara who died last year. I don't think he would mind if you had it." Cross put the locket around Nightmare's neck, standing on his toes to get up to Nightmare's height.

"Why are you giving it to me again?" Nightmare asked, "Because I care for you. And this locket is very precious to me that's why I'm giving it to you." Cross told Nightmare trying to connect the two clasps together.
"I don't think that's a smart idea giving it to me if it means that much to you." Nightmare pointed out.

"You lose it I'm not coming back," Cross told Nightmare. "Don't take it off, no matter what, got it?" Cross asked finally getting the two clasps together. He stood flat foot now his arms around Nightmare's neck. "Mhm." Nightmare hummed.



"You weren't watching him?" Lust yelled at Killer. "I was sleeping!" Killer yelled back, "I gave you one job, one job!" Lust ignored what Killer said. "Look, Micah would not have just left Toby here. He could have just gone out for a walk and got captured, remember how easy it was to get him?" Killer spoke as calmly as he could, his voice edged with anger.

Toby barked getting the two skeletons attention.

"What?" Lust asked the fox, Toby pointed his tail at a log house his eyes locked. "Micah's there?" Killer asked, Toby barked for a yes.
"Let's go." Lust pushed past Killer walking over to the house stopping infront of the door. Killer and Toby looked at each other then ran over to Lust.

Lust was about to knock on the door when it opened, "Bye everyone!" Micah/Dream yelled not looking at Lust, Killer, and Toby. "Bye Dream!"

Micah/Dream closed the door face to face with Lust. "Er-heya guys?" Micah/Dream said confused on why they were there and how they found him. "Dream?" Lust raised a 'eyebrow'. "It's a nickname!" Micah/Dream said quickly. "Really, I thought that it was against the law to nickname or name someone 'Dream' after his death." Lust pointed out. "Everything in the resistance is against the laws, Lust," Micah/Dream told him off. "Fair."

"Also, how'd you three find me?" Micah/Dream asked "Apparently Toby has a good nose." Killer said picking up the fox and pet him on the head. "He's a fox Killer, of course he has a good nose."

Killer rolled his pupil's and put the fox back down. Toby was happy to see his owner(?) again so he rubbed the side of his face on his leg, his tail wagging violently. Micah/Dream laughed at Toby patting him on the head. "So, are we going?" Lust asked, "Yeah."

----Tem skip----

Lust started to give Micah/Dream a lecture about leaving without his 'partner' knowing or being there, and yelled at Killer for not 'babysitting' Micah/Dream. "-You should have been watching him!" Lust said for the forty-seventh time. "I'm not a child." Micah/Dream told Lust for the forty-sixth time.

"Your under the age of eighteen, therefore, you're a child," Lust said, Micah/Dream hissed and hissed something under his breath. "What was that?"


"I think Micah could pass as an adult." Killer said quietly. "Not really. " Micah/Dream said, "You act nothing like a child though." Killer pointed out and Toby barked in agreement. "Eh. Still, I could not pass as a adult. Where's Lust?" The three looked around, Lust was nowhere in sight. Toby barked, gaining immediate attention from the semi-panicking skeletons.

Toby ran around Killer and Dream twice then stopped infront of them for a moment, Toby looked at them, turned around and ran.
The two semi-panicking skeletons chased after him.

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