Chapter ten

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Chapter ten: Meeting family and watching death

Nightmare walked down a long hallway with a red carpet. Nightmare and Dream always called it the 'Never ending red carpet', because they never knew what was at the end or if it even had an end.

Now that Nightmare was older, he got to find out what was at the end. He got to find out when he was fifteen, Dream had died that year. He always thought that when Dream died it wouldn't hurt him. But it did. He never thought he cared that deeply for his younger brother.

Nightmare finally got to the end of the hallway, a large metal door was there. This was the room where Nightmare put his prisoners. He starved most of them some he gave little food and uses forbidden magic to keep them alive for as long as Nightmare wanted to, it drove them crazy.

"M-my brother! Pl-please let me go home! My brother needs me!" One monster female screamed, she was one that Nightmare used the forbidden magic on. Her brother was long dead though.
More wails of pain and hunger rang out but Nightmare didn't care, he was looking for a very specific prisoner that he kept in a different room. It was actually two prisoners but he just referred to them as one.

Nightmare opened another door revealing two more cells. The two prisoners names where- "Nightmare, what do you want now?" One called Dust asked his voice harsh.

Dust wore a dark blue jacket, the hood of the jacket was grey, the hood was on their head.
They had black basketball shorts with a white line running down the side.
Their eye pupils where mismatched; their left pupil was red, the other was blue with a red ring around it.

"To torture us again? Or try to get more info out of us. Again." Papyrus asked.

Papyrus wore a dirty orange hoodie, shorts that went down to his knees, and dark pink slippers.

Papyrus sat in the corner of his cell more afraid to die then Dust-, Dust leaned agenst his cell.
Papyrus was the older brother of Blueberry and Dust was Blueberry's husband. You might be asking why Nightmare caught them, Blueberry was a fierce warrior who can take almost anyone out. Making him a huge threat.

If Blueberry wanted, he could sneak into the castle and free Dust and Papyrus but he hasn't yet. Something was holding him back or he was planning something.

"Neither." Nightmare told the two. Papyrus and Dust looked at each other with the same confused expression, then back at Nightmare. "Kill us?" Papyrus asked edging forwards. "No. I came with news." Nightmare said "What is it?" Dust asked his head moved up slightly. Nightmare smiled widely, "Blueberry is dead."

Papyrus eye sockets opened wide in shock and fear, Dust rolled his pupils. "Your an amazing lier Nightmare, but I know him enough to know that he's not dead." Dust said. Papyrus actually believed Nightmare. Papyrus' fear turned to rage, he ran to the bars of his cell and swated at Nightmare-, Nightmare in response shot a tentical through Papyrus' chest. Killing him.

"Papyrus!" Dust yelled pushing his face agenst the bars. Nightmare only looked at Papyrus and pulled the tentical out of his chest. Nightmare walked out not even caring. The door closed.

"Papyrus, are you okay?" Dust said already knowing the answer. He reached his arm over to the others cell. "I-I. . . . Just tell Blueberry that I'm sorry." Papyrus said. "Wait Papyrus, stay alive! Both of us are supposed to return to Blue, not just me!" Dust yelled. He's never been this scared in his life. "When I reached towards Nightmare, I-I grabbed the keys. I want you to go and leave me here." Papyrus instructed handing the keys over to Dust.

"Blue will be deviated!" Dust said. "I know, but he's tough. If you really believe that he's alive. Find him." Papyrus told him. Dust nodded and unlocked his cell. Dust opened the door it let out a loud creak making Dust freeze. Dust looked over at Papyrus' cell. All that was left was his orange hoodie and a pile of dust.

Dust grabbed Papyrus' hoodie through the bars and tied it around his waist. "Let's go."

Dust opened the door to where all the other prisoners where kept. Imedent wails rang out. They where usally muffled through his door.

No matter what happens, he had to get home.


Dream/Micah slowly opened his eye sockets. He felt comfortable and warm? Had Killer set him on the bed when he got back? He didn't remember going back to Killer. All he remembered was being in the woods then suddenly. . . . . . Attack! The memory came rushing back. He sat up his eye sockets wide as he stared around the room.

The walls and ceiling of the room where a champagne color. A wooden piano was opposite of the bed Dream/Micah was on. The floor was light blue. The bed was twin sized, the sheets where gray and the blanket was black. A wooden bedside table with a metal lamp. The room was small, it was probably a guest room or something. But who would attack a monster then put them in a nice looking room like this?

Dream/Micah looked down confused why he wasn't wearing his usual clothes. Instead he had a over-sized light gray shirt on and black pants on. Dream/Micah looked back at the bed side table it had a note on it. He hadn't seen it before.
He picked up the note it read:

Sorry for attacking you in the forest. I thought you were someone dangerous. After knocking you out I looked through your bag to see if you had some sort of medicine or something to help my family. Instead to my surprise I found bright clothing, vile of poison, medical supplies and a golden circlet! The circlet reminded me of Dream, the dead prince of Positivity. He had something exactly like that! Of course I imedenty assumed you were him, but I don't really know to be honest.
I just wanted to say sorry. Your stuff is in my room and your clothes are being hung out to dry.

Again, I'm sorry.'

Dream/Micah looked around the room again and got off the bed. He didn't feel very comfortable being in someone else's home, or someone suspecting that he was actually Dream.

"I'm going to see if their awake!"

"I will see first! I am the oldest!"

"Let's see at the same time."

The wooden door shot open. Two skeleton kids stood there. Dream/Micah just wanted to throw up on the spot in fear. "Oh. My. Toby fox." The one holding the handle of the door said. Their mismatched pupils shifted into stars, one blue the other red. "I'm Sprinkle! This is my brother, Fury!" They said. Dream/Micah could hear their soul beat fastly.

The one called Fury his jacket was dull blue, the hood was over their head, they had a dark dull blue vest on over his jacket. He had a dark brown belt around his waist, it had a belt pouch attached to it, but you could call it tactical pouch.
His pants where black, his pants covered his brown shoes.
He also had mismatched pupils. They both had a red ring around it, the left was blue, and the right was yellow.
He had a purple bandana on, covering his mouth and 'nose'.

Sprinkle wore a dark blue hoodie with a light blue hood that he had on his head. He also had a bandana around his neck, it was light purple. He had light blue shorts on with purple stars on the sides. He wore blue boots. A band-aid was under his eye socket.

"How do you two run so fast?" Two more kids came up. "Oh, he's Burst, and she's Violet!" Sprinkle pointed at the two. Violet hid behind Fury.

Burst wore a jacket -that was unzipped- it was dark blue, under the shoulders was a circle, blue with a red outline. He wore a scarf that was neatly tied into a bow in the back, it was light purple. His shirt was black and pants where grey. He wore a red belt. He had dark blue boots on with stars on the sides.

Violet wore a hoodie that was black with a gray hood that she had over her head. She had a huge scarf that was blue that turned to purple at the ends. It was tied into a large bow in the back. She wore a grey skirt with dark purple lining, her gloves were blue fading into purple at the fingers. She had blue boots on and black socks that went to her knees.

"What's your name?" Burst asked. "W-well. . . . Um." Dream/Micah didn't know what to call himself anymore. Dream or Micah.

He was so screwed.

Look. I killed someone. Hm. Thats nice! That was also horrible. I need to think of a more gory way to die.

What about Dream? Is he really screwed? Which name will he go by?

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