Chapter seventeen

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My fourteenth time I've tried to publish this-

Chapter seventeen: Seeing

"Hit the middle of the god damm target!" Micah/Dream yelled at himself shooting another arrow, it hit the outline of the target. "Wow, your horrible at this. You said that you would shoot Fell in the head but how can you do that when you can't even hit a target." Lust walked by Micah/Dream. "I'm outta practice. And it's not a moving target or a living one." Micah/Dream  said shooting yet another arrow. It hit the grass a few inches away from the target.

"So if their a breathing creature and or something moving you can hit it easier?" Lust asked and Micah/Dream  nodded, "I've always used moving targets, ever since I was eight. Rarely ever still one's." Micah/Dream told him the bow disappearing. "That's pretty cool, wish I was taught to use weapons," Lust said looking at the beaten target. "Y'know, your the only one who even knows how to do archery here."

"That's sad. Are you implying something?" Micah/Dream raised a non-existent eye brow.  "Sort of. I've been thinking-"

"That's a scary thing."

"Because you are sneaky and say you've been inside of Nightmare's castle before, you could go in their and gather info." Lust said, "Tell me your joking," Micah/Dream looked at Lust for a moment. "Your not kidding. Going their would be dangerous-" Lust cut Micah/Dream off, "Exactly why I asked you."

"-I actually have an idea. Instead of me going there we can get a royal spy." Micah/Dream told him. Lust looked interested, "Royal spy? Who would we ask?" Lust asked confused.

"Let me handle that Lust. I'll be going tonight."

----That night----

"This is not the way to Nightmare's kingdom, Micah." Killer said as they walked through the forest. Killer held Toby in his arms because Toby was being lazy. "We're not going to Nightmare's kingdom Killer. We're going to a friend." Micah/Dream said smacking a tree branch.

"You have friends? Since when?" Killer joked, "Funny. Anyways he'll be able to give us info on Nightmare. What he's planing, who his killing, ETC, ETC." Micah/Dream told Killer. "What's your friends name?" Killer asked.

"Ink Comyet."

"Ink Comyet? Your kidding right?" Killer looked wide socketed at Micah/Dream. Micah/Dream stopped and looked at Killer in a plain expression. He then started walking again. "Anything else you need to tell me about yourself?" Killer asked before mentally slapping himself, that was a very weird question to ask.

Micah/Dream stayed quiet for a moment. "Lot's. "


The moon was high in the sky when the three reached the stone kingdom walls. "Once we climb this we'll be in the kingdom, after that we can easily get into the castle." Micah/Dream told Killer and Toby. "Climb?"
"Yes stupid."

"What about Toby?" Killer looked down at the fox that he put down few minutes before. "Carry him."


Micah/Dream was bored, leaning against the wall for Killer. Toby ploped down from the wall and ran over to Micah/Dream. Killer on the other hand landed 'very gracefully' on the ground face first.

"Graceful." Micah/Dream walked over to Killer helping him up. "I know. I took classes." Killer laughed quietly. "Landing on your face? Wow."

Toby walked by Micah/Dream. Nether of the skeleton's noticed that their hands where intowinded.

"So from here?" Killer looked at Micah/Dream, "From here we run over to the castle, sneak past guards, and get into Ink's room without him screaming for guards. If he does we jump out a window and hope we don't die." Micah/Dream pointed at the castle. "Sounds fun. . . . . ."

"Yeah, I wanna jump out a window."


Killer resumed on holding Toby so he does not make much noise as they ran silently though the castle.

Dream suddenly stopped pulling Killer's jacket hood. Killer yelled and Micah/Dream slapped his hand over Killer's mouth to quiet him. Micah/Dream pointed at a mahogany door with the name 'Ink Comyet' carved into it.

Micah/Dream took his hand away from Killer's mouth, Micah/Dream put his index finger up to his lips(?) telling Killer not to speak.

Micah/Dream knocked on the door, Killer gave a confused look and Micah/Dream gave him a look of, 'I know what I'm doing Killer!'

Micah/Dream grabbed something out of bag. "Who is it?" Ink said from the other side of the door. "Uuuu. Dream Joku." Micah/Dream answered. Sudden coughing rang out and a crash. Killer was even more confused. Micah/Dream held a golden circlet infront of Killer's face.

The door opened.

Micah/Dream held the circlet for Ink to see. Ink looked confused for the first ten seconds, Ink kept bouncing his pupils between Killer and Micah/Dream. "Y-your Killer," Ink pointed at Killer then pointed at Micah/Dream. It took Ink a minute to push the words out of his mouth. "And your Dream," Micah/Dream nodded slowly.
Killer was half suprised, Mica-Dream was bad a secrets.

Ink's eye sockets filled with tears as he looked at Micah/Dream. "I missed you." Ink hugged Micah/Dream. Micah/Dream mouthed 'Help' to Killer. Killer moved his head from side to side and looked at Toby.
Speaking of Toby.

Toby lifted his nose to the air. He barked. The tree skeleton's looked around in alram as guards voices rang out to the bark.

Ink pushed Micah/Dream, Killer and Toby into the room. "Don't do anything weird in there." Ink said looking at Killer and Micah/Dream's hands. They both blushed letting go of each others hands. Ink closed the door to dismiss the guards.

"So, your Dream?" Killer looked down at Micah/Dream. "Shut up."

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