Chapter thirty-five

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Chapter thirty-five: Jumping out the windows like Papyrus

Dream slowly opened his eye's adjusting to the light coming from outside. The birds where singing extra loud today.
Dream got up and walked over to the window looking outside.
Not a cloud in sight, and the air felt nice a gental breeze hit Dream's face. It was a beautiful day outside.

Something moved out of the corner of Dream's vision. Dream's head whipped around to the moving thing. He calmed down noticing that it was just Killer then started to freak out because it was Killer.

Killer stayed the night on accident and Dream slept on him. Dream face exploted in blush as he panicked. A knock was heard at the door, "Hey Dream are you awake? Did you sleep in?" Nightmare asked from the other side of the door, "No Nightmare I'm awake." Dream told him, "Can I come in?"
"No! Er-I mean no because I. . . . I'm getting dressed." Dream looked around frantically, "Okay. Just come down as soon as you can." And with that Nightmare walked away.
Dream ran over to Killer shacking him "Killer wake up!" Dream loudly whispered, Killer didn't wake. Killer mumbled something, Dream slapped Killer, Killer woke up with a jolt.

"Killer you spent the night!" Dream loudly whispered again, "You didn't have to slap me." Killer rubbed his cheek, "You wouldn't wake up!" Dream pulled Killer up, Killer was off balanced falling forward ontop of Dream. "Hi."
"Get off!" Dream yelled, Killer sighed rolling off of Dream. "Happy now?" Killer asked, "No. I can't."
"Right. . ."

"Killer you need to leave. Right now!" Dream told him, "Okay calm down."
"I'm calm!" Dream yelled Killer laughed kissing Dream on the cheek. "Bye Dream." Killer said jumping out the window. Dream didn't move he was to caught up in blush and suprise. Toby barked.
Dream turned to the fox, "Right right Nightmare."


"I hate jumping out of windows." Killer said cross armed laying on the dirt ground in pain. "You can't lay there all day Killer," Killer hummed sitting up looking around, "I guess the rumors are true. Your not really dead. At first I thought you and Micah ran off together but Micah comes ever so often to just hang out. A few days after Dream came back Micah said that you where dead. Was he just lying?" Killer thanked the stars that it was just Lust.

"Um. Hi Lust." Killer got up brushing himself off. "Where have you been I've been worried sick!" Lust yelled waving his arms around, "'Hi Killer it's so nice to see you again', thanks Lust." Killer acted, "Killer!" Lust yelled, "Still here." Lust facepalmed.

"Hi Killer. Now answer my question, where have you been?" Lust spoke faster. "I've been in the same spot for three years. I'm surprised that you haven't noticed." Killer put his hands in his jacket pockets. "Where?" Lust started to sound irritated, "Not completely sure." Killer lied, "Your not going to give me a straight answer to me are you?"

"How have you been?" Killer asked Lust, Lust yelled complete non-sense to the sky something about 'author'. He does that sometimes. He sighed looking back at Killer, "I've been 'fine'. Totally not worrying about a few stupid monsters and humans." Lust tapped his foot on the ground as he spoke. That's usually how he let's his anger out.
"You must have been busy. I mean with worrying and Horror."

"You have no idea. And what was that about you jumping out a window? That window." Lust pointed up towards the castle. "I just hate jumping out of windows." Killer shrugged Lust raised an 'eyebrow'. "Since when have you started jumping out of windows?" Lust asked following Killer as they walked, "Since yesterday. I think."

"Why did you jump out of a castle window. Are you being chased? Are you a wanted criminal?" Lust screamed, Killer shook his head from side to side. "No I'm not being chased. And as far as I know, I'm not a wanted criminal. I just have someone I know who. . . . . Works at there." Killer shrugged.
"What's their name?"

"You act like a parent who just found out their kid has a love interest."

Lust stared at Killer with a frisk face. "I'm just curious." Lust told the other skeleton, "Curiosity killed the cat." Killer laughed, "But! Satisfaction brought it back."


Dream sat in a chair bored out of his mind. Nightmare was doing all the work for the Spring party. He kept pointing to spots that dream thought where random and drawing a quick sketch on where things should be.

Nightmare was going to be the host of the party and Dream could just walk around and communicate with other's -In which Dream was not really looking forward to.
There could only be one host, with Nightmare being older -by one second- he was the host. He didn't look so happy about it either, but then again he's rarely happy.

"-Sounds good?" Nightmare looked at Dream with a even more bored expression then his brother, "Um. Yeah." Dream just nodded not exactly knowing what Nightmare was talking about just now. "You should start paying more attention Dream." Nightmare stared at the other skeleton, "I could say the same for you. A few years back."

Nightmare growled and walked away, that most likely meant that they where done with planning.

Killer pulled a Papyrus jumping out of the window.

I think this next chapter I'm going to do that Spring party. My mind won't quit jumping to one of the parts in it. In which you all might want to kill me for.


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