Chapter twenty-seven

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Chapter twenty-seven: It's not my job to be positive

The seven year old Dream lay limply on the ground.
Nightmare on the other hand was scared, what if that cloaked figure came back and killed him, or even worse, Dream?

Why hadn't the guards came hearing Dreams screams of pain? Why hadn't Nightmare ran away to get help? Why was he just standing here and not getting help?
Why did Dream have to get hurt?

"Nightmare!" The caretaker screamed staring at Dream's limp body, "What have you done?" She picked up Dream staring in disbelief. "I didn't do anything." Nightmare said hot tears falling from his eye sockets.

"You killed him! You killed your brother!" She yelled, "No I didn't I swear! I would never want to kill him! I didn't do anything!" Nightmare screamed wanting to tell her what happened but Nightmare knew, she wouldn't listen. "Your a monster!"


"Go to your room! Let's hope Dream is not really dead!" She pointed to the doors to go inside the castle.
Nightmare to scared to stand up for himself ran to his room.

----The next day----

Nightmare rocked back and fourth on his bed. If Dream did die what would Nightmare do with his life? If he continued to live. So many thoughts raced through his mind of all the pastabilitys that could happen, one out of thousands could happen.
If anything, Nightmare hoped Dream would live, even if Dream hated him for not trying to get help.

A knock on Nightmare's door, "Go away." Nightmare said, "Nightmare it's Mint. Let me inside I want to talk to you for a moment okay?" Mint said at the other side of the door, worry was laced in her voice. "I think the doors unlocked." Nightmare mumbled.

As Nightmare said the door was unlocked and Mint walked in. "Hey Nightmare, did you sleep last night." She asked. "No."
"Your worried for Dream. To make you feel better I want to tell you something." Mint said sitting at the end of the skeleton's bed. Nightmare hummed meaning he was listening.

"When I was a kid, about the age of ten or eleven Piper came down with a sickness. Having no money we couldn't get a doctor. Piper was twelve and Kendyl was just four.
I didn't sleep at all for the first day, constantly making sure that she was okay and well fed.

Mom didn't do anything saying that if I wanted to help the royal family I had to learn how to take care of others. Now as a kid I didn't want to help the royal family but Mom forced me to anyway.

I was scared I didn't know what to do. I felt helpless. It was me agenst the world at this point. Or so I thought.
Kendyl came over to me and she said, 'Me help?' It felt like an angel came to help me.

Over the next few days she helped me with Piper. The little things like watching Piper as I slept or tell me that Piper needed help.

Anyway the point is-is that Nightmare you can't just sit here." Mint told Nightmare. "But I can't help. I didn't even help protect him. It's my fault." Nightmare said putting his head in his pillow. "It's not Nightmare. Things happen, you just have to get through it. Hey let's you and me go see if Dream has woken up, sound good?" She tilted her head. "Is he okay?" Nightmare asked.
"Possibly, but you can only know if you go see him."

"Okay." Nightmare melted off of the bed Mint laughed a bit standing up. Nightmare held her hand looking down to avoid making eye contact.


"See, he's just fine."

Nightmare and Mint stood by Dream's bed. All Dream needed was sleep.
"But 'just fine' is not good enough." Nightmare said watching Dream with worry.
"Nightmare he's going to be okay. He's not going to die anytime soon. Don't worry." Mint told him, "What if he's not? What if he's dying and we don't know it?" Nightmare looked up at Mint.

"Think positive-"

"That's not my job to 'think positive'! I can't think positive if Dream's sick! And not a normal type of sick. I have to worry that's my job right now." Nightmare argued, Mint just nodded for a moment, "Then who's going to be the older brother? I get that your worried Nightmare, but you need to stay strong for your brother," Mint told him.

Nightmare looked back at Dream. "Here, how 'bout I go out of the room for a few minutes and you watch Dream. If he starts coughing or moves around a lot come and get me. Sounds good?" Mint pat Nightmare's head. "Yeah."

"Okay, I'll be back in ten minutes." Mint said as she walked out of the room closing the door.

Three strait minutes of Nightmare watching Dream-Dream woke up. "Nightmare?" Dream said sitting up. "Your crying. Are you okay?" Dream asked rubbing his eye sockets. "Y-yeah I'm fine. Are you good though?" Nightmare said with a worried expression. "I'm fine, I just hurt a little bit. Nothing to worry about."

"Little things can become big Dream."

"Don't worry Nightmare. I'm fine." Dream told his brother. "Are you sure?"
"Stop worrying Nightmare. I'm completely fine. Just relax," Dream told Nightmare, "Your making me feel uncomfortable with your worrying."


"Don't worry about it Nightmare."

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