Chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen: Miss

A skeleton walked threw a forest, they came from Error's kingdom snuck out went thew Ink's kingdom and now their in Nightmare's kingdom.

It was worse then they thought, fighting for the last scrap or bite of food and it smelt horrible.
But it was funny to see them killing each other. Nightmare probably didn't even care, from what they've heard, Nightmare has a new pet.
The name is not known yet.

The skeletons name was Horror.
Horror had a large hole in his head that he got from Error when they where training. Error got him by using Horror's axe agenst him, resulting it the axe breaking a large hole in Horror's head. Now Horror says that it's 'Bad ass', and brags about it like it's nothing.

Horror wore a dull blue jacket and black basketball shorts with a white lines running down the sides. He had worn-out pink slippers on with small amounts of blood and dust on it. Horror having that hole in his head caused his left pupil to disappear. Which made him look more terrifying.

Horror dragged his bloody axe behind himself with not a care in the world. That's when he heard muffled screams.
Horror would usually just leave but something told him that he should go help.

Horror walked over to where he heard the muffled screaming.
Another skeleton's arms where pinned above them agenst a tree, a tiger monster had it's paw over the skeleton's mouth.
The skeleton kicked, bit, and tried to wiggle out of the tigers grip but alas, he failed.

Horror looked closely at the skeletal victim, he knew someone who dressed like that. It clicked.


Lust and the tiger imedenty looked at Horror, Lusts eye sockets filled with relief, the tiger on the other hand their eyes flamed with anger.

"Lust!" Two other skeletons ran up with a fox. The tiger looked at each of the skeleton's individually knowing he had no chance of winning this fight -if he got into one that is.
The tiger growled, in response the fox stepped forward fur puffed out making them seem bigger, the fox growling louder.

Lust slipped out of the tigers grip running over -almost tripping- to the two skeletons. The skeleton with black tear streaks asked what happened and the other skeleton summoned a bow and arrow pointing it at the tiger.

Horror snuck up behind the tiger and raised his axe above his head. The tiger turned to hit Horror but it was to late. Horror slammed the axe into the tigers back with a sickening crack, the tiger screamed in pain and fell forwards hitting their head agents a tree knocking them out.

Horror did plan on killing someone well he was here, but it would have been more fun if they had run. Horror just smiled and the tiger turned to dust.

Horror turned around only to be tackled by Lust. Horror yelped as they both landed on the ground.

The skeleton that was holding a bow and arrow crossed his arms, rolled his pupils, and looked away. The skeleton's with the black tear markes said something to the other skeleton, causing the smaller to have a faint dull yellow blush. "Shut up!" They yelled.

"Where have you been?" Lust asked Horror, "Error's training as usual," Horror got up pulling Lust with him. Horror pointed at the more grumpy skeleton, "They seem really grumpy."

"I am not grumpy!" They yelled, "I rest my case."

"Micah, yeah he is always grumpy." Lust told Horror, "Really? Don't agree with them!" Micah screamed "I agree."



Ink layed on top of his bed bored out of his mind. Ink turned around onto his stomach(?), he opened the little curten.

One picture was Error looking up at the stars in a grassy field.

Another picture was Dream, Ink, and Nightmare when he wasn't covered by goop. Nightmare was standing still like a soldier, Dream had his left eye closed and yellow touge out, and Ink was laughing.

Ink frowned, sometimes he wishes that he'd never meet Dream, Dream was Ink's best friend and losing a friend. . . . . . Was very painful.

The next picture was Dream and another skeleton, Killer was it? Dream was just talking with Killer in the castle gardens. Dream and Killer didn't even know that Ink took a picture of them. Funny honestly. This was the year before Dream died Dream was thirteen then and Killer was two to three years older then Dream?

Something still told Ink that Dream was somehow still alive. But that's probably just Ink telling himself that to make him feel better.

If Dream where still alive it would be a blessing to all three kingdoms.



Micah/Dream shot another arrow missing the target. He was out of practice. Micah/Dream didn't even know they had a place for archery. It's been about a week since Horror has been here at the resistance and it's twelve days till Dream and Nightmare's birthday.
Dream shot another arrow.

It missed.

"Gosh dragnet Dream! You can't do shit!" Micah/Dream yelled at least no-one else was in the room. Or so Micah/Dream thought. "Your even calling yourself 'Dream' Micah." Micah/Dream turned around. Killer.

"So? It's a nickname. Why do you care?" Micah/Dream turned back to the target shooting another arrow hitting the middle of the target. "Er- No reason I was just asking." Killer said looking away.

"So shut the fuck up."

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