Chapter twenty-four

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Chapter twenty-four: Don't get near him

A skeleton blinked his eye sockets open. "Where am I?" He looked around. A cell?

They stood up pushing themself agenst the bars. Looking at the cell across from theirs. It was a dust pile. They stared at it boredly.
In this room where only two cells theirs and that dust piles. The only way out was that large metal door. Faint screams could be heard through the doors. They were probably having a better time then the dust pile in the other cell.

"Welp. Goodbye world."


Dream woke up stretching out his arms. Something wet dripped down from his eye sockets. Dream brought his hand to his eye socket. He had cried, Dream did cry himself to sleep no reason really, just wanted to sleep and crying wore out energy.

"Toby time to get up. My leg is numb." Dream pushed to fox off of him, standing up. It felt like Dream's leg had pens and nettles being stabbed into it.

Toby stretched getting up looking up to his owner(?). "Come on, we're going to get breakfast today okay?" Dream yawned.
Toby wagged his tail excitedly. Dream pat the fox on the head, the two exited the room.

"Good morning. Did you injoy your beauty sleep?" Nightmare leaned agenst the wall his hands in his jacket pockets. "I don't need beauty sleep Nightmare. You look like you need some though." Dream told him, "I know."

"Least you know that much. You probably would have a better time sleeping when you have Cross, you don't want the happy dreams coming to you." Dream said boredly.

"Also what's with the fox." Nightmare pointed at Toby, "Toby? He's my friend." Dream told his brother. "The friend you were talking about yesterday was a fox?" Nightmare said raising a 'eyebrow', "No."

"I killed someone yesterday." Nightmare said randomly, "That's really random to talk about." Dream told Nightmare. "I know."

"What was their name?" Dream asked, "I don't know some random skeleton, black tear streaks coming from their eye sockets-" Nightmare was cut off by Dream, "You killed Killer!" Dream's eye sockets where wide, "That's their name? Huh. Not suspicious at all,"

Tears built up in Dream's eye sockets. "What's wrong with you, normally if I killed someone you wouldn't care." Nightmare looked down at Dream. "I. . . . ." Dream looked at the ground, Toby looked up at Dream completely oblivious. "I'm going to my room." Dream said.

"No your not," Nightmare grabbed Dream's hand, "What's wrong?" He asked. Dream didn't look at Nightmare, "It's nothing." Dream told Nightmare. "Your a horrible lier Dream, what's wrong." Nightmare asked again. "Nothing Nightmare!" Dream snapped yanking his arm from Nightmare's grip.

"Oh I see. They where your friend and you liked them." Nightmare laughed, "Leave me alone." Dream said walking back to his room.

Toby looked at Nightmare and barked "Shut up." Nightmare looked at the fox, Toby put his head on Nightmare's leg then walked over to Dream's room. The door was closed.
Nightmare looked at the fox boredly, he walked over to the door, opening it.

Toby looked at Nightmare happily and walked in.
Nightmare leaned agenst the door frame. Dream was sitting on his bed the blankets around him. "What if I where to tell you your boyfriend was alive?" Nightmare told Dream, "You'd be lying." Dream said, "Hm. Well I'm not."

Nightmare walked out of the room shutting the door.
Toby walked over to Dream's bed, jumping on. Toby got under the blankets with Dream. "It's all my fault for getting attached."
Tears fell from his eye sockets, falling on the bed.

"All of this is my fault Toby!"


"Hey Ink."

Ink turned around to see Error. "Hi Error." Ink smiled. "You know it's morning and not evening right? You have several hours till the stars come out."

"I know."

"What's going on here?" A human walked out of the trees, he wore a pink dress. Yes a he! "This is an A and B conversation so C your way out Koda!" Ink looked at the human. "Right." They walked off.

Error laughed, "That's funny." He said, "I know, got it from a book." Ink told Error, "What book?"
"It's called 'Abandoned Crown' it's about a person named-" Error cut Ink off, "Yeah I don't care."

"Error that's rood!" Ink yelled, "I know," Error looked at the smaller, "Oh and you won't believe it! Dream came back!" Error told Ink, "Wait really? He came back? I thought that he was dead!" Ink pretended to look suprised, "Yep, just came out of nowhere!"

"That's amazing! We need to see him sometime!"


The skeleton walked back and fourth in their cell trying to pass the time.

"'Sup pest."

The skeleton looked over to the bars of their cell, "'Sup fucker." The skeleton walked over to the bars of the cell face to face with Nightmare.
"What are you doing with my brother?" Nightmare demanded an answer, "I don't know what your talking about, I'm in a cell there's no way I could be talking or doing anything to or with you brother." The skeleton told Nightmare.

"Before that. Before he even came back, what did you do to him." Nightmare asked, "I didn't do anything." The skeleton said, "Really, he seemed really mad when I said I killed someone under your description. What did you do? Sweet talk to him, hang out with him, seduce him?"

"W-why the hell would I seduce your brother! I'm telling you I didn't do anything to your brother!" The skeleton blushed hitting the bars. "Really? Dream said he found a bit of happiness with you, what did you do!" Nightmare stared at the skeleton.

"I didn't do anything! The guy didn't do anything nice or say anything nice!" The skeleton yelled, "So he didn't tell you huh?" Nightmare laughed. "Tell me what?" The skeleton asked, "He can't feel any positive feelings. So what did you do?"

"He must have just said that to say it!" The skeleton told Nightmare, "Dream does not just say stuff like that!" Nightmare wanted to strangle the other skeleton. "I don't know what I did!" The skeleton screamed, "I don't see anything special about you." Nightmare looked at the skeleton.

"Well your not Dream." The skeleton raised his 'eyebrows', "Go fuck yourself." Nightmare told the skeleton, "Can't. Maybe you can go get Dream and say that again." The skeleton stared at Nightmare.

"Your never going to get near my brother." Nightmare growled at him, "Uh-huh. The second Dream knows that I'm here, he'll come here and get me out. Because that's what friends do."

"I'm afraid that Dream will never know. And I believe you two are more then 'friends'." Nightmare said, "Good, if it pisses you off."

Nightmare growled teleporting out of the room.


If you can't guess who the skeleton is let me tell you. . . . . . . .


Nightmare and 'Lust' are at each other's throats, I love it!


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