Ch. 61: Strike Three (Huey)

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Jordan made her point. I did have multiple chances to be with her early on but was a coward in making a move. I should've done something earlier. Unfortunately, the timing was bad. There was no chance I had in seeing how much Jordan loved me. Right now, I was engaged to Pam and that was all there was to it.

So why was it hard for me to at least go with the original thought of me and Pam? Why couldn't I put a smile on me and Pam? Why was Jordan getting on my nerves so much that I was actually starting to feel like she was right about me and Pam? Why was I starting to see Jordan in a different light than Pam? It was so confusing to me.

Jordan went back to the mound and I settled into the box. Taking a couple of deep breaths, I know the pitch that was coming. I was expecting to see a fastball in the perfect place. I figured I might as well try to hit a homer right here. Jordan put the ball in her glove and went into a windup. After a few seconds, she threw the pitch.

I felt the world going in slow motion as the pitch was coming. I was waiting for the perfect spot to come and that I would swing and make contact. But while the pitch was in slow motion, I suddenly started having flashbacks. There was me homering off Jordan in the title game to her being on TV to get people to like me. There was her and I toasting over nachos to rushing to her room and seeing her wear a long t-shirt with those pretty legs.

There was the first game I went to where she dominated to when she tried to knock my head off with a pitch. The moments we passed by each other without saying anything to me carrying her in the storm after her accident. Then came the date with Whataburger and In-and-Out to our swim in the Rio Grande River. Afterward, the kiss on the porch and how my heart had beaten over that to the Alamo Bowl game where she did kiss me on the cheek. It was all coming together.

None of that was with Pam. None of the memories that were so unique and so entertaining were with Pam. It was all with Jordan. Oh my god, it was suddenly clear. I wasn't in love with Pam. I wasn't feeling this way for her at all and yet, I'm marrying her. Pam isn't the one for me. Jordan is. I was thinking about Jordan. Was I in love with her? Holy crap! Was I really?

When I turned to see the ball, it was exactly where I wanted it to be. I then swung for the fences to hit the ball. But the only sound I got was the fence behind me being touched. I turned to look and the ball was there. It then dawned on me.

I had struck out. Jordan had struck me out. So that meant, I was supposed to dump Pam and be with Jordan. Is that possible for me? Can I really do it? I looked at Jordan and she was on her knees with a glove to her face. Was she crying again? I dropped the bat and ran to her. I hear the sniffles. I remove the glove from her face to see tears.

"It's ok!" I said. "It's ok! I'm here." I wiped the tears from her eyes and then was about to lean in for a kiss.

"Stop!" Jordan said.

I was taken aback. I thought the deal was for me and her to be together if she struck me out.

"You don't love me, Huey," Jordan said.

"But I do Jordan," I replied.

"No, you don't. As a friend? Yes. But you don't really love me. If you did, you would've not have struck out on purpose."

"I didn't strike out on purpose. I tried to hit the ball and you got it past me."

"I don't need any sympathy, Huey. You're engaged to be with Pam and you should be with her."

Jordan struggled with the tears as she continued to cry. I didn't know what to say. But then, Jordan took my face and kissed my lips. Now I was getting confused. She told me she loved me. Then accused me of striking out on purpose and suggested I stay with Pam and now she kisses me.

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