Ch. 48: Hidden Ball Trick (Jordan)

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I wake up not feeling well. This was a rare time for me to have a hangover, especially after such an eventful last night. I realize that I'm still dressed up in the same dress I had on the night before. I know I didn't just walk to my room by myself. Somebody had to help me. It all started coming together. Troy was with me last night and he took me to my room.

I then realize I probably did something I shouldn't have done. But I do know he never submitted to what it was I thought at the moment. I probably yelled and cried deep down inside. Then, I just fell asleep and now, I'm awake.

It takes time for me to get up, shower, change, and then pack up because my flight was leaving back to California that day. I'm supposed to leave with Bethany and Quinn. But, I never saw them in my hotel room. We each had separate rooms with Quinn and Bethany in one and I in another. As soon as I got dressed, the door to my room knocked. I went to open it and Quinn was there.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"I think so," I replied. "I probably had too much to drink."

"Have you seen Bethany?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"I can't find her. She was in my room last night and now she's not there."

"Ok, let's find her," I said.

We started to look around and check to see where she could've been. I tried to remember last night of anything that stood out. She was with us the whole time while were we at dinner. Then, she was next to me at the bar. It then dawned on me that she flirted around with Troy.

Oh dear! Troy! I forgot about him. I had to apologize to him for what happened. I rushed downstairs to the lobby and asked the receptionist where Troy's room was. She gave me the number and I immediately went back up. I arrived at the numbered room and knocked on the door. I was hoping that Troy didn't just get up and leave already. After all, it was only ten o'clock.

But to my surprise, the door opened and there was Troy without his shirt. I was so uncomfortable with the situation right now and I'm sure Troy was as well. So I decided to get what I wanted to say out of the way.

"Hey," I said. "I know I probably did something or some things that probably made you uncomfortable last night. I just wanted to come by and say I'm sorry if what happened did happen. I hope you can forgive me and you're right. I'm dealing with so much right now. Maybe I just don't know what I want. But I never meant to make you uncomfortable."

"It's ok," Troy said. "I forgive you."

That surprised me a bit.

"Wait," I said. "Just like that?"

"Yeah," he replied. "You were obviously under the influence and it wouldn't have mattered either way. I wasn't going to make your life worse by submitting to you."

I stood outside his door for a few moments taking in what he just said. I knew he was right. Even if he wanted to be my lover the night before, it wouldn't be genuine because I was tipsy.

"Well, I'm glad we agreed not to do that again." I decided. "Just hope we can be friends."

"Oh, for sure," Troy said.

I nodded and went to continue looking for Bethany. But not even a second after I left I heard a familiar voice.

"Troy, what time is it? I need to meet up with Jordan."

I stopped right where I was and turned back to the room. I went inside past Troy and my mouth dropped. There in bed underneath the covers was Bethany. I could see her shoulders and knew what had happened. Quinn had also arrived and was in shock.

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