Ch. 32: On the IL (Jordan)

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The memory is still blurry to me. I'm still out of it, but I can remember certain things about where I was with my eyes shut. I would wake up and hear voices. They aren't as clear to me. It feels like a grenade went off and I can barely hear because of the shockwaves. But I do remember being in a different car other than my own and in the front seat. I hear some shouting, but not loud enough to be crystal clear.

"Hang tight Jordan," I think I hear someone say. I looked and see someone driving with a concerned look on his face. Huey,

"Stay with us Stacia," another voice says. Is that Jimmy?

"A tornado is forming behind us," a third, who I believe to be Rosa was shouting.

I pass out again only to wake up a few moments later.

"We're nearing the hospital, Wilma," a fourth voice could be heard. That must be Wade. The boys are here to help.

I pass out once again. I wake up to see a while ceiling with fluorescent lights moving upwards. Then I hear more voices.

"Clear out of the way," one of those voices said. "Patient coming through."

I don't get a clear registration as to what the hell was going on as I close my eyes again. I have another dream. I'm standing on top of a building overlooking a war-stricken community when I hear someone approaching. I turn to look and see a stranger there. This person has no face but is coming to me. Just when the person gets close, it disappears.

I open my eyes suddenly and wake up.

I hardly sit up and see where I'm at. I'm on a bed in a room that is next to an AC vent and has a TV at the top. I see flowers on a dresser right in front of me to the wall next to a door. I look to my left and see a lampshade much like a normal house lamp. I look to my right and see a door that supposedly leads to a bathroom. It doesn't take me long to realize I'm in a hospital.

I start to panic and worry about not be able to remember myself for fear of a lost memory. I quickly give myself some personal questions and fortunately, I remember everything about me. Then, I notice something else. My left hand could move around freely, but my right hand was covered. I look over there to see another hand covering it. Beyond that hand, I see another person, who happens to be asleep. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Huey. I couldn't believe it. I did see him in my dream last night and he was there.

I smile as I watch him sleep on a chair. He looks cute sleeping and I start to blush. But I'm just glad he's here even if our differences separate us. I let him hold my hand for a little while. But then, I see him start to wake up. He looks around before turning to me.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," he replies.

There's a moment of hesitancy on his part as I think he wants a hug. But I could tell he's still unsure if it's necessary.

"You know," I said. "This is the first time we've actually gotten to speak to each other this year."

"Yeah," he says without looking at me. "How crazy is that?"

The silence continues until I start to wonder.

"So what happened to me? Why am I here?"

Huey paused before deciding to speak to me. We were actually lost on the highway and drove right into the heart of the storm. Strong winds forced us to go right into the lane of another car, that was also dealing with the weather. Unfortunately, that car was Wilma's.

I suddenly started to panic.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. "Are they ok?"

"They're going to be fine," Huey replied. "Stacia suffered a concussion while Rose only had a few scratches. Wilma's in a coma right now. But she's expected to pull through although it's kind of funny."

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