Ch. 53: Redemption (Bethany/Ollie/Quinn)

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The rest of the summer flew by and it was very difficult to comprehend. I mean, Quinn was the one who broke Jordan's heart by sleeping with Joe. Why should I get the blame? All I did was have fun with a guy that I met. He was such a hunk that I just couldn't resist whatever temptation was there. After all, Jordan said she had wanted to be in love with Joe and couldn't even when she wanted him for the night.

I'm starting to realize that maybe there is a connection here and I could realize that I'm just as guilty as Quinn. Because Joe had refused Jordan's advances when there was trouble in her relationship, she wanted to have Troy just so she could feel that passion. When he respectfully declined, she was so angry and upset that I was the one who had my time with Troy. She had been denied twice to have someone love her and show her. Only when I accidentally revealed Quinn's one night with Joe did things go overboard.

It all started to make sense. While I never caused the friction that would hurt our friendship, I did add fuel to the fire. Jordan was emotionally having a bad time even when she accepted her award. I just made it worse. I feel terrible. I knew I had to fix the situation.


Bethany and I didn't talk for some time until one night when she came to our dorm at UC-Irvine and started to cry. She told me how much she screwed up everything and the reasons why. I said she wasn't to blame and that it was my fault. I was responsible for everything.

The truth was that I had a crush on Joe. In our friend group, Bethany was a more outgoing person while I was an introvert. Jordan was caught in the middle of our personalities as she had a blend of both to her credit. Bethany had always seemed to be the girl who would get everything she wanted and I would sometimes have to bail her out of situations when she got in trouble. Not once did she do anything in return for me except be my friend. But I still felt like the third wheel of the trio.

When Joe entered the picture, Bethany did try to come up with ways to have him to herself. But to Joe's credit, Bethany wasn't the girl he was looking for. I thought that maybe I would be the girl for him. He seemed to like someone who was normal, caring, and willing to be by his side. I envisioned that for him and me.

Instead, he had his heart set on Jordan. I was disappointed, but I was happy for Jordan that she was dating Joe. They seemed to be a perfect match for each other from everyone. Yet, I just felt like I was a better fit. However, I wasn't going to steal him away from Jordan while they were dating. That was totally wrong of me. Then, that night happen.


Joe's parents had invited us to his party at his house. His parents had ok'd him in bringing guests over as long as he cleaned up the place when it was over. Quinn and I arrived to the night and to be honest, I was looking to get wasted. I was looking to have fun and just continue to be me. Of course, Quinn promised that she would drive me back.

When we went inside, I immediately sought out some beer. I took a cup and started drinking. I finished that cup so fast before anyone could say hi to me. I then went for a second cup. I can't remember how much I had to drink that night although someone told me it was between four to seven cups. I hope it wasn't seven because that would totally be bad. But I do remember seeing Joe and Quinn starting to chat. Then suddenly, they took off and I never saw them for the rest of the night. Quinn had disappeared with Joe. My ride was not there to take me back.

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