Ch. 60: Rematch (Huey/Jordan)

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It was unusual for me to drive to the church playground at night. But I was not sure what I was getting myself into on this particular night. The drive to the church at the playground takes thirty minutes. But to do it at around midnight was bizarre. I knew something was up with Jordan. I had a feeling this was something she wanted to do for some time. Yet, I wasn't sure what exactly she had in mind.

I arrived at the church parking lot and noticed the lights to the field were still on. Usually, they would be turned off by this time. Instead, they were shining bright and there on the pitcher's mound was Jordan. She was tying up her shoes while wearing an orange t-shirt and black shorts. She also had a glove and a white baseball with her.

I walked my way to the field and went to see her. She turned and faced me as I got closer to the mound.

"What's going on Jordan?" I asked. "Why are we here at this time?"

"Grab the bat," she replied.

"What bat?" I questioned her.

"That one," she pointed to home plate. There was a black bat sitting by the plate. I made my way to pick it up and was about to walk back.

"Stay right there," Jordan said.

I was surprised by this. First, she tells me to grab a bat and then have me next to home plate.

"Ok, this is weird Jordan," I said. "You brought me out here in the middle of the night just for me to stand here?"

"No," she replied. "I brought you out here for a rematch."


Huey had his mouth open for a bit as if he didn't hear me. Then, he closed that mouth to reset what he wanted to say.

"What do you mean rematch?" He asked.

I then decided to tell him.

"Huey," I said. "I'm not going to lie. When I first saw you in the dugout in little league, I thought you were kind of cute. You obviously were sick and you didn't even say anything to me afterward. That hurt me a bit. Then, we had our confrontation, I had to battle more than just you. I had to battle that feeling of you being cute again and again. But, I conquered that feeling and pitched well against you. Except, you hit the one pitch that I am haunted by over the fence."

I stopped to sneeze for a bit. Huey said nothing then. I then continued with my phrase.

"I then had to tell the whole world why you shouldn't be hated over that moment. Never did I imagine that nightmare would come back and haunt me as you did. When I met you again at the party, I felt this connection with you. I didn't know why and it really made me search for the answer. I found the connection and it really made me angry to see your face once again in my life. I really wanted to hate you so bad. That's why we didn't talk for a long time until the tornado came and I was in a wreck. You went out of your way to rescue me and our friends. We then formed this bond together and I was starting to see you not as my enemy, but as my best friend. Yet, things happened as we started to see other people. My relationship ended badly and yours is still going on. I find out now that you're engaged to be married to Pam. I can't be happy for you Huey. I just can't."

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