Ch. 22: Ejection (Huey/Jordan)

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Probably a bad thing to say to Jordan right then and there. But I was referring to the fact I had planned on winning the at-bat while she would be losing the at-bat. Yet, I could see her face react with a seeth. I knew I struck a nerve with her and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

This was the first time I had faced off against Jordan since our infamous meeting seven years prior. So I knew she had gotten better while I had gotten worse. I was probably lucky in my at-bat the last time. My intention was to hopefully make contact and try to get in at least a run. But with Jordan, I knew I was going to have a tough at-bat.

How tough it would be was another matter as on the first pitch, she threw the ball hard right at me. Fortunately, I had the presence to duck and get on the ground. Everyone was surprised by that. Jordan had never done that before in any of the games she had pitched. So this was a first.

"What are you doing Jordan?", a teammate shouted to her.

"Did the ball slip from your hand?", asked another.

I got up, dusted myself off and looked at Jordan. It might've looked like an accident, but her reaction told me otherwise.


If Huey had thought that was on purpose, he's right. I had planned to send him a message that I now knew who he was and what he had caused me. So that was my plan. I wasn't planning on hitting him because that would be really stupid and I would have repercussions. To Huey's credit, he got up and went back to the box. I would say he was in shock for what I did. But I didn't care. I just needed to throw three strikes.

So my second pitch, I threw another fastball. He swung and missed. The count was 1-1. In front of my teammates who were shouting and trying to distract Huey, I could only imagine the look on his face when I would be able to get him out. I decided to throw a slider for my next pitch, thinking he would bite on it and swing early.

He didn't though and the ball went outside for a ball. It was now 2-1 for the count. So I went back to the fastball and threw the pitch. He took a chance and swung. The bat did make contact with the ball. Yet, it was over the fence behind home plate for a foul ball. Good, the count was 2-2 and I was ready for the fastball.


The game was meaningless. My side was getting beat by a lot of runs and we weren't going to win the game. Yet, I felt like I was getting the benefit of the doubt of being prepared for this matchup again. I figured that she would try to throw that same pitch and strike me out. It would be the same pitch she threw me that I hit over the fence for a home run. I knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time and perfect contact on the ball.

Jordan called the sign and immediately threw the ball. I waited as the pitch went to the same spot as before. I swung the bat.


I looked to my left and the ball was heading toward the foul pole. It wasn't a high fly ball, but it was hit hard down the line. I took off hoping that the ball wouldn't go foul. As I was halfway to first base, the ball curved around the pole for a home run. The guys were happy and waited for me at the plate. I rounded the bases while not in a celebratory mood. I knew what I had done and I wasn't too pleased about it.

I reached home plate and was surrounded by the guys. Jimmy then tried to pick me up on his shoulders much like what happened in the game.

"You did it again man," he said. "You freaking did it again. You did it in Little League and you do it now. You're the man."

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