Ch. 35: High Stakes (Jordan)

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"Sorry to intrude your dinner ladies," Joe said. "But I just wanted to see how y'all are treating your new friends."

"Relax Joe," Bethany said. "Our friends are getting accustomed to this California lifestyle."

"I wouldn't bet on it," Rose said. "But we are having a good time."

"Well, that's good," Joe smiled. "I'm Joe Stevens by the way."

He was introduced to everyone and then the conversation took a turn.

"I'm so glad to meet y'all," he said. "By the way Jordan, how was the training?"

"I enjoyed it," I said. "Thank you for hooking me up with the trainer. He was nice."

"How come you never hooked me up with one?" Ollie asked.

"You would've been too distracted to even see the ball," Joe replied.

"How come?"

Joe just smirked and everyone that knew the joke laughed. Ollie wasn't known for his hitting prowess even though he was a big heavyset kid growing up. He had lost a tremendous amount of weight since then and actually looked like a sharp-dressed man.

"Trainer?" Stacia whispered to me.

"I'll explain later," I replied.

"How long are you here for y'all?" Joe then asked my roommates.

"We should be here for a week," replied Stacia.

"Excellent," Joe replied. "Y'all are here for the Fourth of July. Y'all should spend time with us."

"We were actually going to do that," Wilma said. "But we kindly take up your offer."

"Now we're talking," Ollie replied. "We'll have fireworks ready."

"Y'all do fireworks?" Stacia asked.

"Oh no!" Joe said putting his arm around Ollie. "Ollie's trying to be Mr. Impression right now. We don't have fireworks."

Joe then turned Ollie away from us and whispered something to him. I couldn't be sure, but it sounded like he was asking Ollie what he was doing trying to making an impression on the girls when he already had a girlfriend. When they finished their moment, the guys left us to continue our dinner.

"I have to say that Joe is really attractive," Wilma said when the guys were clear out of site.

"He really is," Bethany admitted. "You should date him Jordan."

I looked at Bethany like I wanted to kill her. But the truth was she might have had a point. We haven't addressed our kiss. I plan on doing so.

"Nothing against Joe," Stacia interrupted. "But if things with Joe don't work out, I can have him."

"You and Joe?" Quinn said.

I turned in shock to Stacia.

"What about Jimmy?" I asked.

Stacia then remembered Jimmy was her boyfriend. It was one of the rare times where Stacia didn't even see Jimmy as that. I was starting to question the mindset.

"I think I should have him," Rosa said. "If I was that into guys."

All of us laugh.

"I think you could have competition with Joe and Huey," Wilma said.

Now, my anger turned to Wilma for bringing it up.

"Who's Huey?" Quinn asked.

My roommates explained Huey to my California friends. Needless to say they seemed impressed.

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