Ch. 40: In the Zone (Jordan)

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I wanted to kill Stacia. We were supposed to be going to sleep the night before our first game of the season. But she wanted to make sure Wilma was ok on her date.

"Come on Jordy," she said to me. "Wilma's going on a date in public with Wade."

"But we have a game tomorrow," I replied. "Plus, we shouldn't be interfering with other people's business."

"It's Wilma that worries me. We know about her past and her behavior. But I think Wade is the perfect guy for her."

"I can't. Tomorrow is when I have my start and I don't want to lose my rhythm."

"Girl, you're going to have the best season of your life. You don't need to worry. Now let's go."

Stacia had already gotten the keys and my hand as we made our way to our car. We drove downtown and arrived at a fancy Italian restaurant. Once inside, I could tell we were the odd ones because most everyone was dressed like it was a formal dinner. I looked around and there was Wade and Wilma sitting across each other from the corner. We took a seat on a table near the window and watched the two together.

"Isn't it romantic?" Stacia asked.

"Says someone with a boyfriend," I replied.

"I know. But this is a chance for Wilma and Wade to get together. I just hope they're ready to tell each other how they feel."

Stacia and I actually knew that Wilma was developing feelings for Wade even before she realized it. She had been hanging out with Wade for the past few months and actually got to spend one weekend in December with him during Christmas break. But I also found out because she confronted me about having Wade as my tutor.

It happened when I had just returned back from the library after a study session with Wade. She greeted me at the door in the most unprofessional of ways. As soon as I was going to say hi, she turned and slapped me in the face.

"You bitch," she called me. "How dare you steal my man."

I was stunned and couldn't believe she had hit me. I held my face in pain. I tried to get an answer in, but she took off out the door. I thought I heard her crying. At first, I believed she was having another chaotic moment of paranoia. But this one was more sincere than the others because she was in love with Wade and she was thinking I was taking him away from her.

Wilma did apologize to me for the slap and I explained what was going on with Wade and I. At that moment, she confessed to me about her true feelings for Wade. I then suggested she take him on a date, but she wasn't so sure of herself. Only when we returned from the holiday break did she ask. So, they made plans to be at the Italian restaurant where Stacia and I watched from afar.

I had to admit Wilma handled herself in a public setting. Perhaps she had Wade with her to help or perhaps she was getting better at controlling herself. Either way, she managed to go through the date with no signs of panic. When the two of them got up, Stacia and I rushed out of the restaurant because we didn't want to be seen.

We followed the two of them in Wade's car as they drove to a nearby park. They sat for about thirty minutes or so. Stacia and I could barely see what was happening in the car. But it looked like at one point, two shadowy figures looking like heads converged as one. Oh my god! Did they just kiss? Are they an item now? There was no time to find out then as Stacia and I drove back to our house. We waited in the living room looking out the window to see Wade to drop off Wilma. The two of them were walking to the door before they stopped. Then, we saw them kiss in clear view this time. We were happy for her. Of course, we couldn't let her know we saw everything. So before Wilma came in, we pretended to be reading a magazine each.

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