Ch. 63: Postseason Blues (Huey)

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I watched Texas win their first game and I was so happy they won. But, I couldn't be overjoyed by this because I had a wedding to deal with. I wish I could be there to support Jordan. Yet, Pam was getting me too distracted and focused on this wedding that I felt like I wasn't having any freedom. Plus, I didn't even know whether I was really feeling strongly about Pam or whether my heart had gone somewhere else. What was happening to me at the moment? I needed to know and fast.

As it turned out, I wasn't the only one uncomfortable with the wedding. Pam's parents, while supportive, weren't ideally interested in letting this wedding become to over the top. As they saw it, what the wedding was doing to their daughter wasn't what they had in mind. They wanted their daughter to have a great wedding with friends and family. But they would much prefer that she had a wedding that wasn't among the top ten most iconic weddings of the year or century and all. I didn't even know about this until the day after the first game of the championship series.

Without Pam's knowing, her parents had actually invited me and my family out to lunch at a coffee shop that also served other meals as well. I figured it was going to be about more talk about the guests and maybe extra room needed for the reception. Instead, I got the biggest shock myself. It started when her father, dressed in a business suit while having the hairstyle like Sam Malone from Cheers, asked me this question.

"So how are you liking everything?"

"Like, how excited I am about this? I'm excited. I can't wait to get married."

Pam's father smirked at my response.

"Look, be honest here," he said. "Are you ok with how things are being planned out with this wedding?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

Nothing was said for a few moments as both my parents and Pam's parents were eyeing me. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I was afraid of saying something that would ruin this wedding after all they had worked so hard for to have for Pam. But, one thing I was told was, to be honest. Finally, I just had to swallow my pride and admit the truth.

"I'm not going to lie," I said. "It's been overtaking me. I feel like I haven't been able to have some freedom from this wedding. I'm not saying Pam is to be at fault here, but I haven't had a chance to relinquish myself from this just to get fresh air and feel fresh before the actual date. It's like Pam has been pretty tight on me and wanting me around her every day. I do want that for her and to be in her life. But if this marriage is to work, then we need for her to realize that I have a life as well outside of marriage."

I looked at her parents and they seemed disappointed. I was sure they were unhappy about my statement and that I had ruined the whole thing. Even my parents weren't too pleased with what I just said moments ago. Then after a long silence, Pam's father spoke.

"Mr. Teixeira," he said. "I don't believe my daughter is in love with your son."

My mouth dropped as I couldn't understand it. What did he mean Pam wasn't in love with me? We had nights of passion and we even told each other we did. Why did her parents just say that we weren't in love? Of course, we were. I was ready to get enraged at him.

"Sir, I beg to differ," I said.

"Huey," my dad interrupted.

I said no more.

"Pam's father is right," Dad continued. "I don't think you and Pam should be engaged."

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