Super Roommates

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(Y/n) shifted restlessly around in her bed, she'd thought an early night was going to be a good idea, the idea had turned cold when she had found herself all alone in a cold and empty bed.

The familiar presence of her wife was missing, as it had been every night of the week that they had been on Earth-One and the Super hated it.

"Can you just sleep already!" Kara whispered out from under her covers when they'd been told they would be staying in a hotel (Y/n) had no idea that she would have to share a bedroom with her cousin. Although it was better than the alternative. 

"I'm missing Alex, I can't sleep." (Y/n) grumbled as though she hadn't said the same thing for every night they had been on Earth one.

"I'm missing Lena too she does this thing when I can't sleep where sh....Err I mean close your eyes and sleep dream of Alex instead." Kara said flustered that she had almost given away their secret.

"Hey, hang on, hold up, what is this thing?" (Y/n) laughed lifting herself up on her elbow and looking across at the bed next to her. Kara was trying to hide under the covers.

"Nothing, she makes hot chocolate," Kara replied, her voice muffled as she hid under the safety of the covers.

"Yeah hot chocolate in the summer that makes sense." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Alex always has interesting things when we can't sleep as well, it's not hot chocolate though." Something much more fun. "And afterward I never have any problems sleeping." (Y/n) wished that she had Alex with her at that moment, so she could get to feel her hard exploring tongue venture into dark wet hidden places on her body that was reacting to the thought at that moment. Even just the idea was too much, (Y/n) began to wish that she was not sharing a room with her cousin, she had an itch she was not able to scratch.

Kara clenched her teeth. "Let's move on from that."

"Oh Kara I miss her so much, this has been the longest we have been apart since I was on the Phantom Zone." (Y/n) sighed sadly, this wasn't like that though, this was different and things would be returned to normal and they would return back to their own earth and she could be with Alex again.

Kara smirked. "Good thing you passed up on sharing a room with Diana or Kate, I think Alex would have sensed that and charged down here so fast."

"Don't even joke about that!" (Y/n) replied annoyed.

"It was so funny seeing the look on your face when Kate grabbed your arm and you literally jumped into the air and started shouting like a demented banshee about how amazing Maggie is." Kara fell back laughing, how she had managed to not burst a few blood vessels at the time was only thanks to her Kryptonian genes. "It's especially funny because you hate Maggie."

(Y/n) frowned her lips pouting firmly. "It wasn't funny, and I only hate her because she keeps trying to steal my wife, who I love more than anyone in the entire cosmos, so I think I'm allowed to dislike her a little bit Kara."

"It was, you looked like you thought she was going to eat you." Kara continued to laugh harder.

"Hey, it's not funny you know how insecure Alex is sometimes, especially these days, how would she have felt when I told her I was sharing a room with Kate, or worse Diana, that's why I picked you."

"Nice, thanks (Y/n) it's always nice to be anyone's first choice." Kara rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't have shared a room with her anyway, I love and respect Alex, and that is how gossip starts and drama." (Y/n) cringed at the thought of needless crazy drama. The idea of causing the sweet woman any more heartache was never an option.

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