First Day Of Paradise

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(Y/n) woke to the warm solid body of her wife holding her, arms around her stomach and nose planted firmly in her neck.

After two days on honeymoon in an exclusive private holiday home in .... paid for by Lena of course, her aim to give her cousin the best honeymoon she could and knowing (Y/n) as well as she did she knew that honeymoon from heaven would be to have Alex all to herself. So she gave it to her.

And both Alex and (Y/n) were thoroughly enjoying their time there.

(Y/n) smiled sleepily at the familiar position, waking up to find herself the smaller spoon to Alex's big one.

"Tell me, now you've officially hooked me and signed me for life, will you be sniffing me every morning or is this your version of foreplay?" (Y/n) laughed running her fingernails softly up Alex's arm.

"Which would you rather?" Alex asked, her voice muffled.

"Well you don't have to stop doing the sniffing thing, it's your thing now."

"I just had a weird dream," Alex whispered.

"Tell me." (Y/n) said shifting so she came to lay on her back, Alex pulling her into her body holding her tight.

"I wish they hadn't shown Once Upon A Time on the flight." Alex mused.

"Why?" (Y/n) laughed. She'd been too busy listening to music with her earphones to watch.

"I was the evil witch and you were Emma and we never got our happy ever after," Alex said sadly.

"That would never happen if we were Regina and Emma." (Y/n) said confidently.

"Oh yeah how!" Alex chuckled placing a kiss on her wife's head.

"Well it's obvious, as soon as I'd walked into town, I'd only have had eyes for the big bad mayor, besides have I never told you Alex your ass is first class, how could I ever be swayed away when that is my bedfellow every night."

Alex threw her head back and laughed. "Not what you said last night."

"Yeah, the farting isn't attractive Alex, especially when you do it in a room full of people and then point to me."

"Oh God, they all thought it was you." Alex laughed remembering.

"Good glimpse of what life will be like married to you Alex Danvers, when you were wooing me you were all like, oh I love you (Y/n) I'll save you always, the first chance you get you, throw me under the fart bus."

Alex laughed loudly pulling her wife closer in a tighter hold. "I stand by it, but what you didn't know is, it's a little-known fact in the marriage small print it states that at any time a spouse can blame their wife for farting, I'm sorry but they are the rules (Y/n) you should have read them."

"Oh really you are running with that are you?"

"It's the rules, you can't blame me." Alex shrugged innocently.

"You are so lucky I love you so much." (Y/n) chuckled as she pulled Alex's arms tighter around her and kissed her hand, just at the spot where her wedding ring sat.

Alex smiled at the sensation of soft lips touching her skin. "How much?"

(Y/n) smiled the feel of her lips turning up into a smile made Alex laughed. Moving closer Alex fitted her chin into the space on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Tell me how much."

"You haven't heard it enough times?"

"Nope, I'll need to hear it at least another fifteen billion times...a day for the rest of our lives." Alex teased.

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