Remembering Alexandra Danvers

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The soft glow from the candles scattered casually around the room danced merrily as the flames burned away, the fire roaring in the fireplace set the sound of wood scattering and spitting through the air.

After dinner Alex has willingly volunteered to help (Y/n) clear the dishes along with the rest of the table, sadly Eliza had also joined in so she had been denied more alone time with her delightful wife.

After everything was cleared away, everyone had sat around the lounge as Eliza had with a mischievous gleam in her blue eyes pulled out her photo albums. Kara had smile happily as Alex stared unaffected, she knew what was coming.

So everyone had taken their places, around the couch, in various places on the ground, Connor, who still preferred to be addressed as Alexander had decided to venture away from the adults with his tired little legs and curl up on the fluffy rug with Bear and sleep. Lena's watchful eye kept drifting over to him every few seconds.

Eliza had perched herself next to Alex, Jeremiah on the other side of his wife, as Kara and (Y/n) sat on cushions on the floor in front of them. Eliza had spent the last thirty-five minutes pulling up pictures of Alex in various stage of her life.

"OMG let me see that one!" (Y/n) gasped as she lunges forward at her mother-in-law reviewing the Polaroid of a seven-year-old Alex dressed as a cowboy. "This is adorable, why haven't you shown us this before?"

"Gotta keep some things back (Y/n)." Eliza teased.

Alex grimaced when she saw the next picture in the pile Eliza had pulled from the book, she'd not recognized one moment in the book, it was scary and unsatisfying both at the same time. Occasionally Alex would look at (Y/n) and see her reaction, it was so strange to see (Y/n) so happy at images of a younger Alex.

Alex smiled, some things were nice.

"This was a birthday party for one of your school friends Alex, you wouldn't go as anything other than a cowboy." Eliza smiled as she gently took the picture from (Y/n) and gave it to Alex.

"You even have the spurs, Alex." Kara laughed.

An old memory jumped into (Y/n)'s head, during her labors set out by Harmonia on Mount Olympus she's encountered an Alex clad in fully cowgirl gear. Baby Alex was cute as a little cowgirl but fully grown Alex would be far more pleasing to the eyes, in her hat and a check shirt. Remember that fantasy to tell Alex when she has her memory back.

"You wouldn't take it off all night," Jeremiah added with a chuckle. "You had to sleep in it."

"Awwww." Alex, Kara and (Y/n) dang out together earning an eye roll from Alex.

"You always were stubborn Alex." Eliza smiled at her daughter, lifting her arm to softly run her fingers over Alex's cheek. "Too stubborn sometimes."

"Tell me about it." (Y/n) scoffed.

"I'm not stubborn!" Alex asserted with determination, she didn't feel she was stubborn.

"Yeah, you are Alex." Kara agreed.

"Sadly yes, my best friend married a very stubborn woman." Lena chuckled. "I warned her about that but as she's just as stubborn there was no reasoning with her."

(Y/n) frowned turning towards Lena with outrage in her eyes. She wasn't stubborn, Alex was the stubborn one, (Y/n) was the easy-going one. Wasn't it obvious?

Lena shrugged innocently she wasn't going to elaborate any further everyone knew the truth, that (Y/n) May even be the more stubborn of the couple, but Lena would save that revelation for another day.

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