The Birthday Part One

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It had been a full year since (Y/n)'s last birthday, the first birthday that Alex had celebrated with her wife and somehow, frustratedly no matter how hard she had tried Alex couldn't remember a single thing about it.

Alex had tried hard, even had (Y/n) to go through the day bit by bit, a party and Lena's apartment and then a night of sex at Alex's old apartment, (Y/n) had insisted that they demonstrate the last part just to give Alex a better chance of remembering.

While the sex had been great, or so (Y/n) had said. Alex had not remembered.

That was what had promoted Alex to take to the kitchen while (Y/n) was at work and act out her surprise for (Y/n)'s birthday. A homemade birthday cake.

Alex had searched through the very many recipes that (Y/n) possessed and took out the one she wanted, it looked beautiful and Alex had high hopes as she had weighed out the flour and sugar, mixed in the eggs.

That was as far as the good luck went, it was downhill pretty fast after that.

"Yesterday we had sex on the kitchen counter." Alex whispered to her sister who felt her heart fall and her face turn green at the very idea. "She let know her, right over there." Alex pointed behind Kara.

"Err Ok, remind me not to eat food from here again." Kara grimaced as she suspiciously looked around the kitchen at the available counters, the whole room felt like the scene of a horror movie.

"Okay, more for me." Alex shrugged turning back to her misshapen slightly charcoal cake. "And have you ever had sex on a motor bike?"

"No." Kara blushed rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. Her face as red as a tomato.

"What about on the stairs, we did that too I couldn't wait to get up to the bedroom, it was amazing!" Alex shrieked.

Kara was sure that at any moment she was going to endure a heart attack. Kill me now, right now!!! right now just pierce me with kryptonite I won't even fight. "Errr...."

Alex's eyes lit up brightly and Kara felt her will to live get significantly less. "She even had this ice cream and she at.."

"Enough!! Dear Rao Alex please enough." Kara pleased with her sister.


"I'm pleased you errr...have an active social life, but you should keep these things between you and (Y/n)." Kara begged hoping that Alex would go back to the old Alex who knew how to not share these graphic details.

Alex felt a stab of rejection, she had wanted to share a part of herself with Kara and had failed. "I'm sorry but I was, I mean that I still don't remember everything of my life with (Y/n) yet and she makes me feel so happy and alive, I wanted to know if we did these things before or if we just started now."

Kara let out a sigh. "I know Alex, but I'm a little uncomfortable with this information, we never really shared this kind of stuff before."

"Oh, well what did I do before?" Alex asked confused.

"I think that it was (Y/n) who would talk to Lena about you, we never went into those kinds of details, because you are my sister and she is my cousin and it's weird for me." Kara admitted, running the back of her neck awkwardly. "But..err knowing (Y/n) I would say you probably did do these things before, I've had to wash my eyes out a few times after walking in on you two." Kara cringed at the many memories.

Alex frowned but turned back to her cake letting her eyes take in the uneven plains of the design, "They talk a lot."

Kara laughed. "They are joined at the hip sometimes."

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