Absent Lovers

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"This cannot be a (Y/n) recipe." Alex winced at the sourness as she placed the large glass down on the table in front of her, the green funk inside the opaque glass clung to the sides like algae.

Lena shook her head. "Nope, can you imagine (Y/n) drinking a smoothie with Kale and spinach?"

In truth Alex didn't recall if her wife liked those things, she sighed at the familiar regular feeling of inadequacies. Alex wanted to have the sudden wave of recognition hit her like a tsunami but so far nothing had happened. "I can't imagine Kara either."

Lena chuckled. "No, even Kara wouldn't drink that, but it's nice though right? It's good for the skin."

"Oh, Err.... yeah it's lovely." Alex lied.

It had been a week since (Y/n) and Kara had left, a whole week since Alex had to watch the woman she loved leave and know she didn't know when she would return. Being alone was not as fulfilling as she'd been led to believe.

Alex had Bear and Yogi but love them as much as she did, they weren't (Y/n) so Lena and Alex had taken solace in each other, hoping time together with their missing the two Supers would make the time go faster and end their misery.

Lena's green eyes twinkled. "You are a bad liar, (Y/n) says she can tell when you do it."

She talks about me! Alex sat up straighter, what were the things that (Y/n) said about her when she was not around, and to the people she loved. She had to know. "What else does she say about me?"

"Ahh, I see your game, Alex, I am sworn to silence it's the friendship oath we swore," Lena said with a teasing pompous smile.

"A friendship oath?" Alex asked doubtfully.

"Yep, we took it by candlelight and offered chocolate offerings to Philotes." Lena laughed remembering that night, they'd been caught inside during a vast thunderstorm that had flooded the area. Boredom had them seeking something to do, hence the oath.

Alex frowned. "Philotes?"

"Yeah, Greek Goddess of affection, friendship, and sex," Lena confirmed, lifting her glass willingly to take another big gulp.

Sex? A memory clogged Alex's mind, it was something she didn't quite understand but suddenly Lena changed, her smile didn't seem so innocent anymore, she looked too smug as though she knew something Alex did not. "You dated (Y/n) didn't you? Maybe even had...." Alex couldn't say the word, not when it involved her wife and someone else.

Lena gasped, a queasy feeling overcoming her and it was not the smoothie. "Ewww, Alex wtf no way that would be gross on so many levels I don't even know where to begin."

Alex watched the raven-haired woman puzzled. "What do you mean she is wonderful and beautiful."

"And my cousin." Lena laughed.


"(Y/n) is my cousin, our mothers are half-sisters, Alex please tell me you two had this conversation already because this is insane you've been thinking I've had a thing for (Y/n)?" The very idea was stomach-churning.

Alex felt her cheeks blush but relief set over her, (Y/n) didn't love Lena and Lena didn't love (Y/n), except in the family way. "No, I assumed you were .."

"Going to steal (Y/n), God this is deja vu." Lena burst out laughing. "You really have no idea how much my cousin loves you, do you?"

Alex shrugged shyly. "She's on another earth with Diana and Kate."

"And Kara." Lena reminded the quiet woman. "She's not gone on a vacation and I know (Y/n), she's thinking of you, right at this moment wherever she is, she is thinking of you."

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