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(Y/n) jumped as the heavy door slammed behind them, her attention had been drawn initially to the dry, sterile room she'd reassured at first glance the imminent ominous feeling of deja vu.

She'd been here before, the night they had saved the captives from her mother and Aethyr. The sight of Alex on the medical metallic bed amplified the feeling even more in her mind.

Kara moves forward swiftly, but (Y/n) felt dead weight holding her in place, too afraid to move closer and too angry with her own cowardice to run away through the now closed door, (Y/n) instead watched through barely hidden tearful eyes as Alex slowly opened her eyes.

"What, oh I'm...I'm fine but, but who are you?" Alex's confused confession had become a taunting echo in the super's mind, she longed to see the recognition she was familiar with. To see love pour from the deepest depths of Alex's orbs of dark chocolate.

"Alex are you okay?" Kara asked grabbing a hold of her sister's hand and holding it close to her, she didn't like the blank look that Alex gave her, Kara looked up to Grace, her blue eyes seeking answers.

"Alex says she doesn't remember anything, her memory begins at the Luthor lab and that is all she knows." Grace finally admitted she'd been dreading this moment.

(Y/n) swallowed hard, a powerless emotion filling her until she felt she should fall flat to the ground in fulfilled sorrow and weep until her eyes grew red-raw. (Y/n) knew in that one exchange of glances nothing would be the same as they had been.

Her heart aches at the knowledge, she blocked out any more words, what Grace spoke or Kara nothing escaped past the dull think grey fog that circled her with dramatic effect.

Kara, however, soaked up every word, and despite Alex's reluctance to accept her comfort Kara didn't stray away, she couldn't even if she had wanted to she'd not give up on her sister now. "What can we do? Will this end? Is there a cure?"

Grace wished she had answers but right at that moment she did not. "Until we know what neurotoxin was used it's hard to tell, at this moment we know nothing so I can't speculate or build up your hopes."

"She..she may never get her memory back?" Kara choked on her words saying what she feared the most, the fact that Alex could look at her and see nothing but a stranger scared her.

Grace nodded sadly. "That is a possibility, but at this moment we do not know we will have to do tests to determine the toxin used until we can be sure, it is also possible that Alex could regain her memory naturally. Nothing is out of the question at this moment in time."

"What's happening to me?" Alex asked in a panic, her mind a blank she tried to bring forth small things but nothing came, he was afraid.

"Alex don't you worry," Kara said running her hand over her head reassuring her. "We will find a way to sort this all out and help you get your memory back."

"Who are you?" Alex asked Kara and Kara tried her best not to let her heart break into a thousand pieces.

"I'm Kara, I'm your sister." Kara chocked back the emotion. "And this..." Kara swung around to grab a hold of (Y/n) and pull her frightened cousin closer. "This is (Y/n) she's your wife, although she usually doesn't wear a mask."

(Y/n) frowned at Kara, what the hell kind of introduction was that? still too afraid to look at Alex but she could feel Alex's eyes gazing at her, trying to work out any recognition.

Alex shook her head. "No, I don't remember a wife, you must be thinking of someone else I'm not even I?"

Kara and (Y/n) exchanged worried concerned glances. Confused (Y/n) found herself wondering how she had found herself waking up that morning in the arms of her loving very gay wife and was ending the day with an in denial spouse who had no idea who she was. 

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