The Christmas Tree.

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"What about this one?"

" No! "

"That one?"

" Too gloomy. "

"That one over there?"

"No, it's too narrow." Alex dismissed giving the wide Christmas tree a disgusted look waking past her attention of full alert for the perfect tree.

(Y/n) gaped at her in disbelief. "It's huge Alex."

" Too narrow. " Alex called back without turning.

(Y/n) blew out a long hard breath exhausted breath, this was the third Christmas tree lot they'd visited and Alex had found fault with each and every single tree. "I hope we can fit it into our apartment Alex." (Y/n) called after her, her mind filled with images of having to saw off the top to make it fit through the door, having to reduce the branches to get inside.

Alex ignored her, she knew what she wanted, she knew what they needed for their first Christmas tree, it had to be perfect, not too big but not too small, the right height, the perfect everything, right now she didn't know what it looked like but she knew when she saw it she would.

She was certain of that if nothing else.

The city had descended already into darkness, the frostbiting harshly in the air creating crystal decorations on the trees as they sat awaiting their fate, to be moved from display in the freezing cold into the warm inside.

Snow had begun to fall from the heavens and the city was covered in a blanket of soft white cold perfection, all along the streets children had left their traditional snowman calling card and Bear had been banned from his walks as the snow hurt his little paws, instead (Y/n) had built an honorary Bear snow dog just outside their apartment of course wearing a scarf to keep him warm, and given him the nickname if Snow-Bear.

(Y/n) followed the footsteps Alex had made carefully making sure to fit her feet inside hers, as a small child she'd played this game with her father, on the times they'd gob to get a Christmas tree, Kharys had rolled her eyes and huffed, Christmas was not her priority neither was pretending it was for her only child. Luckily she'd had her father.

Doing this now created all the same feelings she had then, her feet were bigger now and the distance to the ground was greater but the feelings of love and protection still resided in each step, that knowledge that no matter what happened Alex would always be there, the now empty footprints seemed to give off a warmth that existed even in the freezing snow.

Alex knew (Y/n) had caught up with her when she felt her hand slip into her own, her familiar comforting presence stood next to her, (Y/n)'s head coming to rest on Alex's shoulder.

"Can't we just pick anyone, I'm pretty sure by now Bear is wondering where we are, what if he's decided to ruin my shoes, or yours, or the tv remotes, OMG no tv!" (Y/n) gasped in horror at the very idea.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Bear has not destroyed the remote, or your shoes, or mine, he's probably asleep."

"I really am worried about how much confidence you say that with." (Y/n) winced. "I'm just glad I can't feel the cold otherwise we may have come down with frostbite."

Alex pulled her closer, wrapping her arms around her waist relishing her nearness with delight. " we would not get frostbite you are being too dramatic, I'm looking for the perf....There it is! " Alex shouted pointing erratically towards a group of trees pushing (Y/n) out of her way to run towards her prized elusive tree as though it were the holy grail and her decade's long search was finally at an end.

"Hey!" (Y/n) protested as she caught herself from falling into a group of other trees, that looked exactly like the one Alex was now fawning over. Righting herself (Y/n) approached her fiance an unmoved look on her face.

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