Daddy's Boy

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"You are too sweet, yes you are." (Y/n) cooed as she lifted a giggling baby Amelia into the air and back down again since she'd started laughing the little girl had not been able to stop herself.

It was something of a miracle (Y/n) had thought to herself given who her mother was, was Cat Grant a funny woman?

With her father and Cat attending a party in Metropolis Alex and (Y/n) had volunteered to babysit Carter and Amelia Leigh, it had taken a while to convince Cat that it would be okay to leave her daughter for the weekend and spend it in another city.

For Alex it had been an interesting way to see into the future, she got to experience what life would be like when she and (Y/n) had children, although (Y/n) had begged her not to take it so seriously.

"You are too sweet, just too cute." (Y/n) said again laughing at the devilish little chuckle that left her baby sister.

Alex had quietly made her way up the stairs, with Carter in the living room watching old x-men movies and hanging out with Yogi and Bear Alex had found herself wondering what (Y/n) was doing and why it was taking her so long.

Alex smiled in the doorway as she watched her wife launch the baby into the air a little then bring her back down and softly touch her own nose to Amelia's as the baby chuckled at the action. Alex always wondered why (Y/n) worried so much about the responsibility of parenthood, Alex was never in any doubt that (Y/n) was going to be a wonderful parent and if she did t know it before she certainly did whenever she saw (Y/n) with Amelia Leigh.

"You are too cute." (Y/n) cooed again. "And I love you."

"If it was anyone else I found you saying that to, I'd be very jealous." Alex Joked.

(Y/n) laughed at her wife's obviously corny joke, lifting Amelia back into her arms and turning her to face Alex. "Don't worry Amelia and I had the sisterly talk, I warned her off you just so she gets the message now."

Alex laughed as she made her way towards her wife kissing her forehead softly as she tickled the babies chin earning herself a little giggle. "I'm really not going to call crap on that, I'm pretty sure you did it."

"Of course, I was just marking my territory now."

"How can you be an idiot and make my heart melt at the same time?" Alex asked her brown-eyed gaze intensely.

"My epic skills, where is Carter?" The last time she'd seen her stepbrother she'd just kicked his ass in call of duty, she'd left him and Adam on the other end of the earphones crying over being beaten by a girl. She'd laughed they'd been beaten by Superwoman.

"He's stopped crying now." Alex smiled taking the baby from (Y/n) when the baby pointed at her with interest, her small lips formed a circle shape as she oohed in Wonder. "He is watching tv with Yogi and Bear, they have some teenage boy thing on I didn't quite catch it."

Alex was cut off by Amelia unexpectedly reaching forward and catching her nose in her small hand. "She's very hands-on, takes after her sister." Alex teased.

"Hey, Amelia we already talked about this, keep your hands to yourself she's mine!" (Y/n) joked. (Y/n) had noted a long time ago how cute Alex looked when holding baby Amelia Leigh, with the knowledge they had about their future children, even if it was slim, it was easy to imagine this as some future prediction. Only they'd have a nursery made by then, for their baby, and they'd not have to give her back like they did Amelia.

"I really don't want to come between sisters here, but I'm sorry (Y/n), Amelia wins in the cuteness stakes." Alex teased as Amelia laughed her hardest as she squeezed Alex's nose and Alex made her voice turn high and nasally on purpose.

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