Visitors From Another Earth

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(Y/n) didn't pretend to understand how inhabitants of one Earth could jump into another through a portal the type Kara had described to her, and at this moment in time, she had no time to even begin to imagine.

The eve of her wedding and she paced the ground anxiously she couldn't pinpoint when exactly it had happened but at some point after Lena had dragged her away from Alex, because it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, conveniently forgetting they had the rehearsal today, she'd been gazing up at the ceiling and from somewhere lurking at the edges of the darkened room nervousness had swept over her.

A thousand questions of doubt had hit her, not anything that questioned whether she loved or wanted to marry Alex, hell no that was a certainty she wanted to be Mrs. (Y/n) Danvers but this was something else a build-up of fears and demons that trailed her and had kept her company ever since.

A knock sounded at the door, her wide eyes turned to find Lena watching her, a smile across her lips. "Are you ready, Claire says it's time to start."

They'd all driven to Lex's former mansion that morning (Y/n) with Lena and Alex in Kara's hopefully competent care in her role as the best woman.

"Are Kara's friends here?" (Y/n) asked.

Lena nodded. "Arrived ten minutes ago."

"Has Lois found Clark?"

" No, Kara went out to look but she couldn't find any sight of him. " Lena replied trying to hide the panic that was building among the wedding party at his disappearance.

(Y/n) felt more panic flow through her. "This is all I need, a stepmother in a war with my cousin's partner, my cousin missing, my Dad breaking down into a sobbing mess, and did anyone actually find Nia last night? I think the two old war horses scared her away."

" I will ignore the horse remark but not the old one, I just had a baby. " Cat announced smugly from the door.

"Pretty sure you may be past our sell-by date for that." (Y/n) joked. "How did you convince your dusty pipes to work?"

Cat sent her stepdaughter a disapproving look. "Your little wedding planner says it's time to start."

" We can't Kara isn't here she's....err she's ... " (Y/n) cursed her own stupidity, clearly, the inability to come up with a real believable lie was an El family curse.

Lena rolled her eyes at (Y/n)'s panic. "She went out to get some food, you know how much Kara likes her food."

Cat did her own fair share of eye-rolling, did they really think she did not know? How could they all think she was so short-sighted? "Well, of course, I'm sure she'll be here in no time at all, almost as though she had super speed."

(Y/n) chuckled awkwardly. "She's just really into her food."

"(Y/n) honey no one is that into their food."


(Y/n) scuffed her feet down the steps as she descended the staircase, thoughts running around in her head a mile a minute, she hoped the rehearsal for the wedding would help settle the upheaval that had occurred in the last few hours.

She wanted to enjoy her wedding, not spend the time scared to death.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs a strange man came into her view, tall and slim he stood to observe an antique vase that Lex had taken a great time in acquiring.

(Y/n)'s eyebrows drew together as she watched him, when he turned around with the priceless vase in his hands looking for all the world as though he was about to bolt to the door, (Y/n) jumped forward, surprising him by coming at him from behind and grabbing him in a headlock.

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