Chapter 41- Epilogue

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Chapter 41 - Epilogue

Kim's POV

3 Years Later

Here I was, like any normal day, sitting in Asher, Tyler, and I's little apartment we shared for collage. It's a small place, a two bedroom floor plan with a kitchen, and living area. It's not too small, but for the three of us, it's perfect. The distance between our colleges and the apartment is seven minutes (a nice power walk there at least, actually longer by taxi because of all the traffic). Most times we took a taxi, other time we walked to the subway if we had enough time to venture, but going to class is a big transportation hassle in the city.

Even though it's been three years with Asher, nothing much has changed. Our relationship is great don't mistake me on that, but it wasn't till one day when I was doing some laundry that something felt... weird. A big change. Mondays- as much as we hated it already- is laundry day. Everyone pooled their dirty clothes into one big great pile to be sent out to be washed. I was home alone that day- at that moment- cleaning out my room to get my dirty pile together when I was on the phone with Asher.

"So then the Professor told me that my report wasn't good enough. I'm standing over there thinking, 'are you freakin' kidding me I spent over twenty something hours on this report to make it perfect and stayed up the whole night before revising it to the T and you're tell me it's not good enough' like, ugh, that professor is such an asshole." I complained through the phone to Ash.

"No fucking way, he actually said that?" Ash asked annoyed.

"Yeah, and then I'm like well OK fine then I'll the freakin' C-. Then he said, but I have some other good new. The board of academics reviewed my report on Forensic Evidence and loved it so much that they're considering to present it-"


"Yes! I was so happy! That's the other report I told you about that I was having such a hard time on it and stayed up two nights in a row writing it!" I explain to him. It made no sense how one report I spent countless hours on got me a bad grade, but the one I struggled to write became the best I ever wrote apparently.

"That's insane. Congratulations, I'm so proud of you babe." Asher says happily to me.

"Thank you. So now because of my great achievement he's deciding on dropping my lowest grade, which is that grade, I believe." I smile, even though he couldn't see me, "So where are you now?"

"Well I just left Tyler at the airport to be on his way to North Carolina to visit Kate." He answered as I heard the car accelerate.

"Aww, I didn't get to say good bye. Crap," I yelped slamming my hand on the top of the dresser. "I forgot to give him the present I bought for Katie-"

"I gave it to him don't worry." He assures me.

"Oh thank you." I sigh in relief kicking the pile of clothes to the middle of the apartment. Today was the starting day for our Spring break. Normally, college kids go to exotic place for vacations like Mexico, the Caribbean's, Brazil, or hiking the mountains in Russia. Some went home to visit their family's but us, Asher and I, we just stay home and roam around Boston and drive to our parents' house to eat dinner or lunch. Relaxing in any way is the best way.

During every other vacation, Katie comes to visit us and stays at our place. The time that she doesn't visit, Tyler does, and they hang out. Aren't they just adorable? I would have never expected this coming from Tyler. The last time I saw Katie was winter break for Christmas. It was so nice to see her and spend time with her. Now when you talk to her you can tell those therapy tricks she learning in class kicks in. The creepy one that she does often is stare at you contently and murmur, mhm the whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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