The finale

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Second pov:

There was nowhere left to run. You couldn't run away anymore. You couldn't turn around and run out of the building because it was raining heavily. You couldn't run further into the buildings first floor because Shredder was blocking the way. You couldn't run back up the stairs because the fight between the guys and Rahzar and Xever was now happening on the second floor. Every option was a dead end.

"This ends NOW!" Donnie shouted as he charged at Shredder. Even you knew that much that fighting Shredder on your own was a suicide. While you kept away from the fight the best you could. You shouted.

"GUYS!" You looked to the side and saw that Shredders foot was about to hit you but you somehow did a perfect limbo move and avoided it. But you did hit the floor with a spin, by the next kick that Shredder threw at your way.

This point, the second floor fight had moved to the first floor you were in, they heard your call and came to help. Splinter took his turn and attacked Shredder. They were both pretty much equally matched, but with an angry Donnie in the picture, Shredder was having tough time.

While you were dodging blows from left, right and over. You noticed something off about the rooms lighting. The big center art piece that hung from the very top of the building held hundreds of light bulbs started flickering, first dim and then super bright, that you had to shield your eyes with your hand. You didn't know what was going on and everybody around looked as clueless as you. Everybody has stopped fighting and began to look around in confusion of what was happening while the light show resumed.

Then suddenly the brightness increased and you were forced to look down while you covered your eyes so you wouldn't become blind from the oh so godly bright light. You were glad you did it because not even seconds later, the light bulbs popped and broke from the heat it produced and glass shards rained down like from a bucket.

You unintentionally let out a shriek when you felt the glass hit your back and head. Then out of the blue you heard a familiar sounding voice shout from multiple floors higher above you. You recognized it belonged to Sebastian.

"OUT OF THE WAY!!!" You heard him shout.

You didn't plan on staying put and question why he shouted the command. But when you tried to take a step to run away, the broken glass on the ground implanted itself to the bottom of your feet. Pain travelled up your leg and a tear made its way on your cheek as the glass felt like it was gonna be stuck forever.

Then you heard something break above you all. You looked up and saw that the rod that held the big center light was cut. Now the whole thing, who knows how heavy, was about to crash all over you if you didn't get out of the way in time.

In the moment of panic, you turned around and pushed Donnie away from you just far enough to spare him from getting hit. You basically jumped after him and missed the central light barely. You hit the glass covered floor and right after closed your eyes and covered your head out of reflex. The light made contact with the smooth concrete floor and the impact sent wires, broken metal pieces and even more glass flying all across the room.

After the chaotic disaster, no one moved a single muscle. There was pretty much no sound except a very light swinging sound from above and the pouring rain outside. You dared to be the first one to move in the silence and attempted to get up.

You slowly lifted your upper body off the ground hearing glass crack under your arm. Luckily the lab coat sleeve was between the broken glass and your skin. You ignored it and cautiously opened your eyes to take in your surroundings. Donnie lay on the ground in front of you covered in glass and unmoving. You grew worried but when you took a second look, you could see his chest rising and falling gently. You let out a sigh of relief and looked up to see what was producing that annoying swinging sound.

DonnieXReader [The successful experiment] Tmnt fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now