Explaining part 2

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Second pov:

"Sebastian Harley, isn't he the most popular scientist nowadays?" Leo asked.

"Yes he is, But I didn't know that he had been doing something big like this, he did reveal that he was working on something that would change everything, and he wasn't lying." Donnie said looking to you, still shocked.

"But how, Don just said that it's impossible to make something like you. What did that man do?" Raph asked stepping closer.

"Well... The story that one scientist was nice enough to tell me, goes something like this, about more than 15 years ago, Sebastian and his scientists has failed yet another experiment, the scientist were hopeless, but Sebastian refused to give up. He proposed if they would use pure human blood with alive DNA tissue,  I don't know what they used, But after a month of creating, They created another artificial human, me. In order to confirm that the experiment will turn out the way wanted, The experiment has to look, act, sound and to be able to understand, hear and learn like normal human, but the test showed negative on something once again, and they were running out of time to save me. Sebastian used mutagen and modified it with human blood and some rare and illegal chemicals, and he injected it in me, after what happened, they described it as something out of a horror movie, The reaction with mutagen and different DNA was horrific, then the power went out from the whole building, After they got power back they looked at the out come, and in the tank was an artificial human infant, they runed the tests again, and confirmed that they have succeeded. The experiment Z-14 were successful." You told them and paused for a moment.
"They used mutagen to make you." Mikey said in shock. Everyone was shocked from your story, their faces were just like yours when you heard the story for the very first time.

"So all this is possible because of mutagen?" April asked, and you looked at her.

"Yes and no. What they told me, mutagen was huge part of it but the chemicals and DNA what was added to it, balanced it out." You said.

"So, is there a way to make, like another you?" Casey asked and you could see that they were curious to hear your answer.

"No. The chemicals that were used, don't exist anymore. And when another is created, their gender, body, hair,- and eye color are randomly given by science and nature." You answered and everyone was surprised. Then You thought again.

"Well maybe, but it would not have a working brain and it wouldn't look like human, and the chance of it to wake up, is very low." You explained,

"What do you mean, to wake up?" Donnie asked.

"When they create a living being, they find out if its heart is beating normally, if so then they put them in a tank to grow. In time they should gain consciousness, but none of them has woken up and some of them has just kept growing, except for me." You explained, remembering the other experiments.

"What did they do to you after they created you miss?" Splinter asked with curious tone. You liked that he treated you like a person and not a "thing".

"They kept me in the tank to grow and gain consciousness on my own, they tested with failed test subject, what would happen if they would wake me up, and the result wasn't good, so they decided to let me wake up on my own." You said and paused, then continued.

"When I was about five years old, I started to show signs of awakening, I started to move more and Sebastian was excited I guess. Then one day when a worker was checking my vitals, I suddenly woke up, they were interested and happy that they have actually succeeded, but then worry was on their face when I started to drown and was in need of air, there wasn't an emergency evagunation button or a lever, so he just broke the glass and got me out from there, by the time everyone and Sebastian came in to see what's going on, the worker was making sure I was breathing. After that I actually remember looking at everyone on the floor, they were proud of each other and Sebastian was too, then they took me somewhere to take care of my health, while they were building a new and better tank to replace the last one." You said and everybody stared at you, and you could see the pity in their eyes. I guess it was that bad huh. You thought to yourself.

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