Something goes wrong

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Second pov:

You hanged out with Donnie the rest of the morning, but then you were curious about what others were doing, they were playing video games together, Donnie told you. You have never even heard the word: Video game, so it was new to you and it looked interesting and fun, so you wanted to try them. Mikey teached you how to use the controller in one of the games, it was a car racing game and the rules sounded simple. You started to play and after some time you got the hang of it, you even won here and there against the turtle brothers, you knew they were going easy on you sense you were new to video games, but you didn't mind. Time went by and with the corner of your eye you spotted April and Casey, you greeted them and they joined in the fun, you played with both of them and Casey was impressed that you were pretty good at it, you're a fast learner.

You pretty much spend the rest of the day playing games with others, and soon enough, the night time came and you recalled what leo said, they were going to try find out what Sebastian and Shredder were up to. You were going to stay at the lair, because it would be too dangerous for you on the top side. Casey and April were going to keep you company for a while, before they have to head home, you were grateful.

"Please be careful, Sebastian is a dangerous man. If you get captured, it will be pain to get free." You told the guys before they were able to walk out of the lair.

"We know, you don't need to worry
(y/n)." Leo assured you.

"We'll be back, I promise." Donnie said and smiled as he looked into your eyes, you smiled.

"C'mon guys, let's go." Leo said and started to walk out of the lair, his brothers followed him and soon they were gone. You sat on couch next to April, and she saw your still worried eyes.

"(y/n), believe me, they know what they're doing." April said and you looked at her.

"I know, but I don't think you understand, how unpredictable and dangerous Sebastian is. He isn't someone you think. Probably by now, he has doubled the search team, and if he is aware, about the guys or you two, there is a chance he might come after you." You said in frustration while your hands were covering your face. April and Casey were looking at you sadly, because you were right.

"And it's all because of me." You said. Then April made you look at her eyes.

"(y/n), It's going to be ok. I'm sure the guys will come home safely, and everything will be fine." You looked at April little relieved.

"And we might know more about that Sebastian dude, once they're back." Casey said as he did some tricks with his his hockey stick next to you, you smiled.

"Well what are we going to do now?" You asked.

"I actually came down here to train my skills, wanna company me?" She asked and you nodded. You walked to the dojo and Casey tagged along with you two. You watched as April trained and in your opinion, she did great. Casey didn't train because he said he didn't need to, he said he was a pro fighter, and while your conversation you could hear Aprils huffs as she trained.

Donnies pov:

Outside Sebastians building:

I was hacking into the buildings system, so we can get in without being spotted. Mikey and Raph kept an eye out while Leo was scanning the area with his monoculars on a higher place.

"Donnie, how is it going? Any luck?" Raph asked.

"It's a lot trickier to hack to the system, but i'm getting there, I just need more time." I said as I continued. What I just said, was something Leo didn't want to hear, because he spotted something not good.

"If you're gonna need more time, we are gonna have some problems, some kind of robot is coming our way." Leo said loud enough for us to hear.

"We have to hide." Mikey said.

"I can't, if I leave, I'd have to start all over again. Distract it with something so it goes the other way, quick!" I explained to my brothers as I was almost done hacking.

"I'll handle it." Raph said and jumped away, he went to one of the alleys and made some noise, and to our luck, it got the robots attention and it started to go to Raphs direction. Raph led it away and then came back as I was done hacking.

"I'm done, let's go." I said and snuck in along with my brothers. We were in a air went and I was first, and my brothers were right behind me, I was about to get out but I spotted a security camera. I backed away to the wall and waited untill it turned the other way, I snuck past the camera with my brothers. We were running through the halls but suddenly a light lit up over a door, it meant that someone was gonna soon see us if we didn't hide, and Leo realized this.

"Guys, hide!" Leo said and we jumped up to hold on to some pipes.
A scientist on a tablet walked through the door, they seemed too interested to the tablet that he didn't see us, I spotted a keycard hanging from his back pocket.

"Mikey, the keycard!" I whispered to him, he knew what I meant and snatch it with his kusarigama chain. We waited to the scientist to leave, when he did we jumped down and I asked Mikey for the keycard, he handed it to me and I used it to open the door, behind it was a dark filled room and when the door closed behind us it was even darker and there were only red lights everywhere, the sound of machines filled the room while I was looking a switch to turn the lights on.

Nobodys pov:

Raph felt some kind of switch under his hand, so he pulled it. The lights turned on and a very large room came to view and there were tanks one after another and inside the tanks there were experiments.

"Holy shell." Raph said.

At the turtle lair:

Second pov:

You were still in the dojo with April and Casey, Casey asked you if you knew how to defense yourself in any way and April seemed curious too, you told them you didn't, the only things you were capable of were: hiding and some parkour skills you developed while jumping from roof to roof, Splinter joined into the conversation and said you should know some basic defense, considering your current situation. You agreed and he began to teach you some useful moves.

"Sorry (y/n), we have to go to home now." April said as she looked at the clock.

"We do?" Casey asked and got up from the floor.

"Yes, I still have some unfinished homework for next week, and I know you do too." April said.

"You got me, see ya later (y/n)." Casey said and started to walk out of the dojo.

"Goodbye." You said to them.

"Goodbye (y/n) and have a nice evening Splinter." April said and left.

Casey and April were walking through the sewers talking about random stuff as always, when they reached the surface they ended up in one alley, but when they got up they were ambushed by the foot clan and Karai was leading the footbots.

"Capture them!" Karai said and the footbots attacked them with no mercy, it was eleven plus Karai against two, so it didn't take long for them to take them down. Karai laughed and jumped down from the fire escape.

"Father will be pleased to see you." She said then turned away for a moment. Casey was handcuffed but April was still practically free, Casey knew what he had to do to free April so she could warn the others, Casey used his homemade taser to the bot what was holding him then he got his hockey stick and hit the bot behind April to free her.

"Go go go, warn the others." Casey said in hurry. April nodded and ran away and took out some smoke bombs.

"Don't let her escape!" Karai ordered. April threw the smoke bombs to the ground, and in the same second one footbot threw something to the smoke, when the smoke faded there was nothing. Karai huffed.

"Well, it's not that big deal, we still have you as our prisoner." Karai said to Casey who only glared back. "Restrain him better and bring him to the lair." Karai ordered and the bots got to work, Karai smiled as her plan was successful.

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