The beginning

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Remark: This chapter has been edited from the original. For those who read the original one, nothing has changed, I just added more to this so it would be slightly more interesting than before.

Second pov:

You were walking alley to alley for some food, you sometimes had a job where you didn't need to reveal your personal information but you would get fired soon because they didn't need you anymore, you did have personal information, but the problem was that it wasn't like normal humans, you are "The successful experiment" of Professor Sebastian Harley. The tests that you went through were horrible and painful, nobody that knew you considered you as a human because you actually weren't one.

Every time you asked a scientist what or who you are, they would always say that you are an artificial human being that the Professor created, they called you Z-14, because it was your series number, and because, "you are not a human" they said. One time they explained what you are and what was the reason you were created, it was something you would rather not think about.

You did manage to escape when you had the chance, you might be an artificial human, but you aren't stupid, you are actually pretty smart. You ended up living on the street, because it was the safest option, it has been almost two months and so far they have not been able to find you. You always wore hoodie with the hood up, to cover your (h/l) (h/c) hair and your (e/c) eyes, and you were always on look out. You did everything in your power to be away from that place.

You were digging through a trash can, that had to be the hundredth one today, and you only found half full water bottle.
"I guess luck isn't on my side today." You sighed and then read the label.
"Purified water" you said to yourself. "It better be." You told yourself as a joke, and looked to the rooftops.
"Let's call it a day." You said and climbed on to the rooftop, while you were looking at your surroundings to make sure you were alone. You decided to stay on the rooftop for awhile and drink your water, before going back to your shack. The New york city was beautiful especially at night, the city lights were gorgeous and the cool wind that blew at night was lovely, you loved everything about the city.
It was a quiet night, but suddenly you heard something coming to your direction, it made you jump and in panic you hid behind some kind of metal sheet that was closest to you.

"This is odd, the search team already went through this area." You whispered to yourself. It was possible that Sebastian has made more bots to search and find you, and if that was the case, it was going to be a lot trickier to stay hidden at night, and it was the last thing you needed right now. You noticed that the noise sounded like footsteps and you got curious, you decided to peek and see what's coming towards you but at the same time ready to run. You were shocked by your view, what you saw was something you that you have never seen before. They were people, but they looked like humanoid turtles they had some kind of gear on and they had weapons too. You didn't want to get mixed in any situation, so you figured it was better that you would get out of there and go back to your hiding place.

"What in the name of-" You thought, but you were cut off by a ninja star that implanted itself next to you on the wall, you looked behind you and saw ninjas dressed in black who were armed.

"Shoot." You exclaimed and you were about to run, but another star was thrown at you and it hit your shoulder, it startled you and you fell on the ground along with your hood on your head. You looked up at them in terror.

"Footbots, attack the girl." a girl in armor ordered and the ninjas behind her ran towards you. In the last second you rolled out of the way before a katana hit you. You decided, that you were not gonna die tonight so you quickly got up and made a run for it. You jumped from the rooftop to another, with the ninjas right behind you. You knew you had to figure out something and fast, if you wanted to escape but what? You weren't fast enough. You suddenly stopped at the edge of a building, because you were affirmative that you couldn't make the jump on the next rooftop, then you quickly duck and dove to the side before the ninja's weapon hit you and then you ran again. You couldn't keep this up forever, but still you didn't have a plan. A ninja was next to you but then suddenly gone and you looked behind you, and you saw the turtles from before fighting the black ninjas, more black ninjas came towards you, you tried to run but you weren't fast enough react and the ninjas katana swung at you. You fell on the ground, closing your eyes you waited for the pain to come but it never came, you opened your eyes and saw a turtle with purple mask was holding the katana off with his staff that was inches away from your face.

"RUN." The turtle shouted and pushed the ninja away from you and him, you obeyd the command and started to run towards the ladders but the girl in armor stopped you.

"Where do you think you're going?" The girl smiled and attacked you. You dodged some of her attacks, but she was too fast for you and you got stabed in the side of your stomach, by her katana. Right after, she kicked you in the head hard, and you flew on the hard ground.

"Leave her out of this, Karai." You heard someone say. She was pushed away by a turtle with blue mask. Your head hurt really bad and your vision started to get blurry as you also started to lose consciousness.

"Sorry Leo, no can do. Orders are orders." She said, as she tried to stab the turtle in blue. You tried to get up, but you didn't have the strength to do so and you fell right back down.

"We have to get her out of here, she's losing too much blood." The purple turtle shouted, as you felt pair of eyes on you.

"Donnie take care of her. Mikey, give us an exit." The blue one ordered as he was still fighting this girl named Karai.

You heard someone running to you and the purple turtle scooped you off the ground and ran to the other turtles. At this point, you didn't have the intensity to fight back, so you just let them take you.

"Booyakasha." One on in a orange mask shouted and threw what appears to be a smoke bomb on the ground and purple smoke filled the air.

Soon the turtles were running and jumping on the roof tops. Then and there, you couldn't take it anymore and lost your consciousness and everything went black.

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