Treating and questioning

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Donnies pov:

"We have to hurry." I said as I was hopping roof to roof with the girl from the battle in my arms, she's losing too much blood, Karai got her pretty good, but why did she attack her? I've never seen her before.

"I'm sure there isn't anybody following us." Leo said. We hopped down from the roof to an alley, Raph went first and opened the manhole cover, Leo went down, then I followed, Mikey and Raph came and Raph closed the manhole cover. I was running to the lair like no tomorrow, I could not live with myself if I let someone innocent die.

When we got to the lair I went straight to my lab, I put her on my lab table and started to clean her wound on her side, she was unconscious.

"Can someone get her a pack of ice wrapped in a towel for her head." I asked, almost yelled it.

"Sure Donnie." Mikey said and went to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go tell Master Splinter what's going on." Leo said and went to the dojo.

"Do you need anything?" Raph asked. Normally Raph wouldn't ask if I needed help or something, he would just let me be and cool down, It wasn't like he didn't care, he isn't heartless, but I guess after seeing me this desperate and upset, he wanted to help.

"Can you give me the stitching supplies from the drawer?" I asked with a calmer tone. He nodded and went to get them. As I was cleaning the girls wound, something was a bit off, her wound reacted stangely to the water I was using, What is going on? I thought. Then someone opening the door had my attention.

Mikey came in with the ice and towel wrapped around it.
"Here you go, Donnie." Mikey said giving me a small smile, trying to light up the mood. I smiled back with tears still in my eyes.

"Thank you Mikey, Now hold the ice on the bruise on her head, ok?" I said and he nodded and did as I said. Raph came back with the supplies, as I was done cleaning.

I started to stitch and two figures came through the doorway, I knew the were Leo and Master Splinter so I didn't bother to look behind me, so I just kept working on her wound.

"Donatello." Master Splinter said.

"Hai, Sensei." I said, without stopping what I was doing.

"How is our quest?" He asked. I took my eyes off her for second to look at the monitors, to make sure I was right, on the monitor were her heart rate and it was stable.

"She's stable." I said, landing my eyes on my work again.

"I am glad, Leonardo told me what happened, and said he didn't recognize her. Do you, my sons?" Master Splinter asked.

"No." We all say. "But Karai seemed to know her." I said and moved to stitch the wound on her shoulder.

"But why would she attack her, if we don't even know her?" Raph asked.

"I do not know my son, But I guess we will find out when our quest wakes up." Master Splinter said and disappeared to the dojo.

It was quiet for awhile and I finished stitching and started to bandage the wounds.

"Mikey, give me the ice pack." I said and he gave it to me, I thanked him and put it on the bigger wound and rapted it around to keep it in place and I was done, I siged. I did it, she didn't die, I saved her.
I thought smiling a little.

"When will she wake up?" Leo asked. I looked back to her and studied her face and beautiful (h/l)(h/c) hair. I looked back at Leo.

"Who knows, hours...maybe a day." I said. Leo nodded.

"Allright guys, let's get some rest." Leo said and walked out from the lab, the rest of us followed and before closing the door, I take a quick look at the monitor and It's still shows stable. After that I closed the door and hoped she'd wake up soon.

DonnieXReader [The successful experiment] Tmnt fanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα