Fight: part 1

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"I'm sure we all have some questions for each other, so let's discuss our matters. Shall we?" Sebastian offered as he was still pointing the gun at them with a blank face. His face didn't give anything away, making it hard to tell if he was really going to talk or was he just going to kill them or do something even more worse.

"Are we really going to talk or are you just gonna have your guards to apprehend us?" Raph asked with an angry tone as he spared a glance at the double metal doors two meters away from him. None of them had any trust in Sebastian, so Raph had a good point by asking that question. Sebastian looked at Raph for a second with his cold eyes and an expression, before answering.

"I can assure you that my men will not disobey my orders. If they do disobey, it will have consequences. You see, I take my job very seriously and I certainly can not have employees who disobey me and my orders." Sebastian explained while he lifted his left arm up where he wore his watch and simply pressed once the touch screen with his other hand, but it shortly returned to point the gun in their direction. Then he started to speak to his watch.

"All of the units must stand down, until further notice." Sebastian spoke while he didn't take his ice cold eyes off of the intruders. They tried to think of an way to get the gun away from Sebastian but the brothers really couldn't think of anything. Sebastian analysed their every move and it was obvious that Sebastian has a few aces up his sleeves even if they did manage to take the gun away. They didn't have any options, so they'll have to play the game by Sebastian's rules for now.

"My men will not attack you until I say so, you have my word." Sebastian said as he still held the gun in one hand. As if he was trying to signal in a mocking way that he was capable of handling us with only one hand. Which might be true at the moment.

"So, what do you want to know? What question is so important, that you command your men to stand down so we can have a little chit chat?" Raph asked with a glare on his face.

"I have few questions that are yet to be answered. One of them being: Why are you doing this for Z-14's sake? I simply can not understand why you go through all this trouble for something that doesn't even belong to you." Sebastian asked his first question and Donnie was already fuming. Did Sebastian see (y/n) as an "It"? His brothers were as mad as him. But they had to keep their cool, Sebastian was holding the gun after all.

"Something that belongs to you?! Do you see her as guinea pig for your experiments? How can you do something like this to a living being?" Donnie almost shouted his words out of his mouth.

"I created Z-14 myself from living tissue, mutagen and parts of my DNA. It might be alive, but I would not consider Z-14 as a human. I can use it as I please." Sebastian answered coldly, he didn't see the need to lie about how he saw (y/n). This didn't sit well with Donnie, so he didn't hold back his anger towards the scientist.

"(y/n) Is much more than an artificial human!!! She is alive! She feels, she talks and she breathes air like you do! How can you use her as an labrat for your sick plans?! How can you not see that she is not beneath anyone nor above?!" Donnie shouted at the man in front of him. He didn't care if he had a large gun in his hand pointing it at him. He just couldn't stay quiet while Sebastian was talking about (y/n) in such a way. Sebastian might not consider her as a human, but she is a living being and that was more than enough reason for Donnie to keep fighting. She was just too precious for him.

At this point, Donnie has taken few steps forward and he was fighting with all his will to not take out his bo staff and pull out the hidden naginata blade within his staff. Mikey noticed in time and came forward to crip his angered brothers shoulders to prevent him from doing something regretful.

DonnieXReader [The successful experiment] Tmnt fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu