Only chance

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Donnies pov:

We came up with a plan rather quickly. Because there were so many guards at every entrance on the first floor, our only and the best way to get inside is through the windows on upper levels, but they had their cons too. First one being that we'll be making a lot of noise sense we're crashing through a window, and that will draw a lot of attention to us and it will cut our time short so we must move fast once we're inside. Second one being, that Karai was only able to tell us that (y/n) is being held at 16th floor but she didn't know which room, on top of that the floor is quite large. So we have to search the whole foor to find her, it wouldn't be a problem if we had time. But there's nothing we can do about that, we just have to work as quickly as possible.

"From which side are going to break in the building?" Mikey asked and I thought for a moment.

"The stairs and the elevator are located little to the east side of the building, so when the alarm goes off they are coming from there. Therefore I think our best bet is the east side, so we can clear that side and then move out to the other sides, but we have to be quick and on look out." I explained and Mikey and Raph nodded in agreement of the plan. And we were off. We hopped from rooftop to another in fast speed and completely unnoticed, we couldn't waste anymore time than we already have. We made it to the east side of the building and we got our hooks ready, we aimed and fired them so they were implanted to the concrete wall, which produced a loud clicking sound.

"Now!" Raph whisper yelled and we hopped off the roof. We swung through the air and praised ourselves for the coming impact of the glass window.

We crashed through landing perfectly on the ground and looked at our surroundings really quickly. We were in a lab but it was dark, but even so I could clearly make out that the lab had not been used in a while. It was clean, except for the new glass shards on the floor. I spotted a door at the back of the room and ran to it, as I whipped out the access card from our last mission. Raph and Mikey followed,  and right after I scanned the card in the electric lock Raph kicked the door open so it swung and hit the next wall. And as if on cue, the alarm went off and the sound of alarm echoed in the hallways. I wanted to say something about the door but we didn't have time for that.

"Let's part ways!" Mikey shouted over the alarm and without saying anything we ran off to our different ways.

Third pov:

Mikey and Raph didn't have the access cards to see inside the rooms, but to their luck and dismay, there were still few scientists walking in the hallways. They took their cards and trapped them in the closest rooms available after making sure there were nobody in there, and continued on with their mission fairly easily since most of the scientists we evacuating due to the alarm going off. Room after room they searched in hope for (y/n) to be in there well and alive, at the same moment they knew they were running out of time when they heard a crowd of loud footsteps coming up the stairs.

They were over halfway done when they ran to each other at the same hallway. They were about to continue on, but a loud shout stopped their doing and made them look behind.

"Do not move or we will open fire!" One guard shouted, he didn't seem to be scared of them like most humans, and the same could be said about the other guards.

They knew that whatever they did in that moment, they would still get shot or even killed. Even if they didn't, they would be taken away and locked up for eternity. Neither of the possibilities sounded good, so they immediately started to dodge the flying bullets to the best to their abilities when the guards opened fire. With so many of them in the hallway, Raph got shot in the upper arm. In the middle of the chaos, Mikey managed to open a door with the card to a another lab and jumped inside for cover with Donnie and Raph following suit after him. When everybody were inside Mikey slammed the door shut locking it and Donnie stabbed the electric lock with his naginata blade, so it was impossible to open the door even from the outside. After breaking the scanner, Donnie rushed to Raphs side while he was holding his injured arm in pain.

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