Getting to know

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Second pov:

You were in the shower about to go in, but then remembered that you can't, because you don't want to burn and die. It was two months ago when you last showered, and when you were at Sebastians lab, the water was already prepared for you, so you never thought about it that much, but now, you were lucky that you remembered that fact.

"That was close." You said to yourself. You bagan to think how to fix the shower problem, and then got it. You put your old clothes on then left the shower. On the way to Donnie's lab, April spotted you from the couch.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" April asked, and you turned to her.

"Well... I can't shower because of the water, so I'm going to ask Donnie if, I can make the chemical to make it safe for me to wash myself." You explained and April had a horrified face.

"Oh god, I forgot, I'm so sorry (y/n)." April apologized in front of you.

"It's okay, I almost forgot too." You said, and walked to Donnie's lab. There Donnie was still at his desk, then he saw you, and looked confused.

"Hey Donnie, can you help me out? I can't shower because of the water so, can I make the chemical to make it safe?" You asked and Donnie now understanded and nodded.

"Yes, you can. Sorry, I kind of forgot." Donnie said ashamed.

"No worries. Anyway where are the chemicals?" You asked and he showed you his desk, shelf and drawers. You remembered the formula how to make the chemical so it wasn't a problem to make it. You started to work and Donnie was close to you, watching and studying what you are doing, once you were done, you had 100ml of the chemical and it had bright yellow color.

"I've never used the chemicals you used just now. By the way, how are you gonna use it?" Donnie asked and you thought for a moment.

"I could pour this in a bucket of water, I can use that method untill we figure something out." You said and Donnie nodded. You got up and went to the shower closing the door behind you, you spotted a big bucket in the corner and decided to use it, you filled it up with water and poured the chemical in it, after that you undressed and washed yourself. You felt good to be clean again. After you were done you dried yourself and put on the clothes April gave you and they looked nice, she gave you underwear, (f/c) shirt, black pants, socks and shoes. You wondered how she knew your favorite color, or it might of been a coincidence, anyway you looked great. You walked out and everyone were on the couch talking and watching TV, you walked shyly closer and April was the first one to notice your presence.

"Hey (y/n), wow you look great." April said, then everybody had their eyes on you and you were blushing from the attention.

"Looking good (y/n), you did a great job red." Casey said while smirking.

"Dudes she's pretty." Mikey said. Donnies eyes were glued to you but he couldn't say anything. There was a spot for you to sit between April and Donnie so you sat down and started talking.

"Thank you again for the clothes April, they're really nice. Before I escaped to the streets, I used to wear a hospital gown, I wore it my whole life, they didn't think it was necessary for me to wear normal clothing, because I'd have to undress every time for the test and experiments, and there was a lot of them." You said to her.

"No problem, I'm glad that I could help." She said smiling. Then Donnie started talking about something that got all attention.

"So, I did some research, and found out that right now Professor Sebastian isn't working with anyone, and haven't worked with anyone in 20 years, he has only worked with his scientists, said Sebastian to the nation, but we just found out that he does work with Shredder, in fact, he might have been working with him all this time." Donnie said.

"So that only means, whatever Sebastian is doing with him it can't be anything good." Leo said.

"Exactly, and if I'm not wrong, it has to have something to do with (y/n)." Donnie explained as he was looking towards you.

"Yea, It has to do something with her, I mean, they didn't tell anyone about (y/n), if they did, it would cause problems with the puplic" April said.

"Ya, you're right April, but what are they trying to accomplish, why do they need (y/n)?" Raph asked clearly annoyed looking to you, what got everyone to look at you.

"I'm as clueless as you guys, I said before, they didn't tell me the reason why I exist, I just remember them doing a lot of tests and experiments on me, trying fix some problems in me, they said to me." You said, and everyone looked away thinking.

"Dudes shouldn't we take a break from all this like Master Splinter said, beacause that's a lot of facts to learn in one day if you ask me." Mikey said while stretching his body from being in uncomfortable position.

"Hey, mikey's right. We'll find out more on next patrol, untill then, let's not bug our heads with it." Leo said and walked into another room.

"Umm...I could show you around the lair, since you're gonna live here, I mean, if you'd like?" Donnie said shyly and offered his hand.

"Y-yes, of course." You said and blushed as you took his hand and rose up from the couch. He released your hand and started to walk in the room Leo went. , the room had an open space and a tree growing by the entrance and some weapons on the walls.

"This is the dojo, we train in here, and back there is Splinters room." Donnie said and you nodded. You were looking around the room and then noticed Leo on the floor on his knees and his eyes closed, under the tree, he looked peaceful.

"What is Leo doing?" You asked quietly to not to disturb Leo.

"He's meditating, it helps him to calm down and relax. We all do it in our training." He said and you nodded. Then he walked out into a room that had a curtain at the doorway.

"This is the kitchen." Donnie said and you nodded but as you were leaving you heard a sound from the fridge, Donnie saw your kind of scared expression.

"I-It's okay." Donnie said and walked to the fridge and opened the freezer, a pile of something in a cat shape came in to view.

"This is icecreamkitty, she's our pet, kind of." Donnie said and you turned your eyes to the icecreamkitty, she waved her paw to say hello, you waived back and then Don closed the freezer.

"She's a mutant too I assume" You said as you two left the kitchen.

"Yea, it was an accident though." Donnie said as he scratches the back of his neck. Donnie showed you the bed rooms and rest of the lair and in the end you two sat on the couch for a good hour just talking, Donnie seemed to like your company, you understood his stories and words. He listened some of your good stories and you listened to his experiment stories as well, and you had to admit, some of them were quite ridiculous. After some time Donnie yawned.

"You should get some sleep." You said.

"Yea, I should. I haven't got a good night sleep in a quite of while. But what are you gonna do." Donnie asked.

"Well... I can't fall asleep so I guess I just do something productive silently. Don't worry I'll be fine.

"If you say so, then goodnight (y/n)." Donnie said and yawned again.

"Goodnight Donnie." You said and smiled to him. He walked to his room and closed it, and you were left on the couch. If you would still in be the lab, Sebastian would have put you in the tank and put you in sleep for night, so they could monitor you, and your injuries would not be as painful to handle when you would be awake. And now, you just had to entertain yourself while everyone were asleep, nobody said when they would wake up so, you didn't know what to expect. You saw Donnies laptop on the couch and you thought he wouldn't mind if you used for something, it didn't even have a password, so you decided to research somethings you wanted to know, Sebastian or the other scientists didn't tell you much about the world outside the Lab or the building, so you knew very little.
Then you wondered, what kind of man Sebastian is to others?

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