Don't worry, I'm coming

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Donnies pov:

Before we left the lair. We discussed how we should proceed from that point on. So we have to come up with a plan to get Casey back and also get (y/n) back.... if she is still alive. And if I'm being honest, I am not sure if this is going to work or not. It pretty much has to work because it's not just because (y/n) could be in danger, but perhaps all of us as well since Shredder is involved in this mess.

We figured, that Casey was most likely being held as hostage at the Shredder's lair. So he should be unharmed and we would have at least a small chance to get him back undetected. Unfortunately, we can't say for sure about (y/n). We have no glue, which part of the science building she would be kept at. Plus, the building now has even heavier security than before. There are security men patrolling the whole building at every entrance. Also I am pretty confident that, the scientist called Mr. Garrison has been ordered to install more security cameras by Sebastian. When we were there last time, I had to work really hard to break in, and we still almost got caught. Now I have no idea how we could even get near the building without being spotted.

(y/n).... I was really worried about her. (y/n) has gone through so much pain in her life, and then when she had the chance to live a life without the agonizing tests and the constant mind breaking fear. It was just taken away from her like they didn't even care, she is a guinea pig to them. That's what she always has been to them. But not to me, she is much more than a guinea pig, Sebastian is just too blind to see it. 'Please be alive.' I thought. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Leo, who was pacing back and forth on the rooftop in attempt to make a better plan than the one we have now.

"Is there any way for us to get in?" Leo asked as he stopped beside me as I was still on the edge of the rooftop, facing the building.

"I have few ideas how we could get in, but security cameras and the guards are the problem here. Sebastian could be expecting us and there is a high possibility for us to be spotted by the security cameras. And since we don't exactly know where (y/n) would be held. We could easily get caught by those guards while we're inside searching for her." I explained. As I looked at the building again, like I was trying to figure out the guards work pattern.

"Can't we just fight them off and toss them into a cleaning closet?" Raph asked, he seemed bit annoyed of waiting. It made sense, we have been on this rooftop for almost an hour doing nothing in particular.

"We might, but... Raph... you saw that weapon they had. It has enough power to kill us. What if they try to use it again?" I exclaimed as the memory of (y/n) screaming from the bottom of her lungs as she was being electrocuted, replayed in my mind non-stop. I shut my eyes tightly trying to shake off the memory.

"About that Donnie, could she still be alive after something like that? You said it yourself that the shock could kill someone." Mikey suddenly spoke and all of us went silent. I wanted to believe that (y/n) was still alive, she had to be. I can not forgive myself if she died for something that was intented for me.

"L- let's hope for the best." Leo said as our heads hung low while we were silent for a moment.

"Wow. She must mean a lot to you, for what I can tell." A familiar voice said and it made us jump, we had our weapons out in a second. We looked around for the person, and they were sitting on the cistern that was on the roof. We were ready to fight when we saw who spoke.

"Relax, I came alone. I'm not here to fight you." They spoke again as they jumped down.

"What do you want Karai?" Leo asked, not letting his guard down yet.

"Shredder was talking with the scientist Sebastian again, and I happened to catch something that you might want to hear. It has something to do with that girl you keep talking about." Karai said as she walked few steps closer to us with a serious look. I put away my weapon when she mentioned (y/n). Now I really wanted to hear what she had to say, but something was up. Why would Karai want to tell us that kind of information?

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