Dark clouds are forming

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Nobodys pov

The turtles were standing still, frozen from the scene they were seeing. Leo was the first on to move, he started walking deeper into the room while looking at all the tanks in the room. Raph took his hand away from the lever and started walking as well, along with his brothers. It didn't need a mind reader to tell what they were all thinking about the view, they knew that all of them saw it as something horrific and scary. Even though Donnie was scared, he studied the tanks and the living life-forms asleep inside of them. Some of the life-forms looked like humans and some didn't even look like they were alive, but apparently they all were. Donnie also took a note that on the top of the tank, there was a series number and in the middle a big red light, when he looked at the series numbers he saw that they were walking down a Z section, when he looked at the spot where a tank labeled Z-14 should be, there was only an empty spot. Others noticed it too.

"Where is (y/n)'s tank?" Mikey asked.

"I guess it's in another room, this is just a storage room to keep the others." Donnie answered.

"But why are they keeping them here? (y/n) said, that there is a very low chance that these guys are gonna wake up, so if they know that they are not gonna wake up, then why keep them?" Raph asked as he knocked on one of the tanks near by.

"They keep them to compare the last ones to the new ones, and like (y/n) explained, they keep them so they can do tests what they can't do with (y/n)." Donnie said and looked at the tanks sadly.

There was silence for awhile, untill Leo broke it.

"Come'on guys, we're on a mission and we have to find out what Sebastian and Shredder are planing." Leo said and his brothers nodded.

They walked to another door and Donnie opened it with the keycard, once it opened they hid next to the door, in case there were people in the next room. The coast seemed clear so they moved on, this time the room was filled with, what seemed to be rows and rows of shelves that had parts and broken fragments of the tanks and some other gadgets as well, also few random moving carts. At the very end of the room was a door, but it didn't open with the key card, the lock was broken, so it was also a dead end. They were going to turn around and go back to where they came from, but they heard a door opening and footsteps approaching them. They hid behind the shelves and avoided the loud footsteps, Donnie started looking for and exit and he spotted an air went. He then informed Leo about the air went and Leo nodded, Raph and Mikey seemed to know what was going on, so they swiftly but quietly ran past the worker and Mikey dropped something from the shelf on the way as an distraction. And it worked, the worker went to investigate the sudden noise, and while her back was to them, they snuck out from the room through the went.

"I think, it's best that we move in the wents for now. There is a high chance that this keycard doesn't open all the doors, including Sebastian's personal lab." Donnie stated and got his brothers approval.

"So how do we know, where Sebastian's lab is?" Mikey asked and Raph and Leo seemed also curious about it.

"You don't need to worry, while I was hacking into the system I also got the blueprints of the buildings ventilation system. And according to the map we're close" Donnie explained, and his brothers just nodded knowing that their brother is a genius. Sooner than expected, they arrived to their destination and heard somebody talking to someone, that somebody was Sebastian.

"Is everything going as they should, or is there some unwanted complications?" Sebastian asked as he looked at his three employees, that were standing in front if his desk.

"Everything is going as they should. We have almost completed the project you gave us, but we need more time." A scientist said.

"Excellent. What about the generator, is it repaired?" Sebastian asked, and another employee stepped forward as the scientist stepped back.

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