chapter 6

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here is another chapter :) thnx 4 all the support


“By the looks of the report your dad handed in to me, it seemed you did an excellent job working in the courts with him. Did you want to take after his footsteps?” Mrs Holton asked me as I was walked into legal studies holding my bad on my left shoulder and my books in my right hand.

“I enjoyed myself but it was a bit boring at times.” I could tell Mrs Holton the truth. She and my dad used to work together, so I kind of grew up with her. “But there was this weird guy who was there who kind of rubbed me off the wrong way.” She frowned, but nodded her head knowingly.

“A defendant right?” When I nodded my head she continued. “Hopefully his punishment will rehabilitate him.”

“Didn’t sound like he cared about his punishment...” Just then, a number of students walked into the classroom so I smiled to Mrs Holton and sat down in my seat.

Class seemed to drag by slowly, so I was thankful when the bell rang, signalling the end of day. Usually, I would try to bug Joe into giving me a ride home but I had choir practice until 4pm.

Nothing major happened in choir, only that Mr Kory told us that we will be expecting a new and talented singer to join our choir in a few weeks. I wasn’t overly excited, but some of the girls were starting to bitch about whether or not the new singer was going to better than them bla bla bla.

After choir practice, I did manage to ask a quiet girl for a ride home. I felt bad, but she and I lived only two minutes away from each other, driving that is, so she didn’t put up to much of a fight when I asked.

Once I got home, I headed upstairs to my room. I knew my dad wasn’t going to be home tonight as he sent me a text earlier telling me he was working on a huge case, so he was going to be delayed at the courts. I didn’t really care, but I knew he didn’t want anything bad to happen like, I don’t know, throwing a party again.

For some reason, I felt like I hadn’t seen Lia in ages, so I called her to come over. She managed to take about an hour before she got here, in which time, I was doing homework and screaming at Joe and his new girl to keep it quiet. That only resulted in them screaming louder. Eww!

“What took you so long?” I demanded as we made our way to my room. I slammed it shut, obviously showing her that I was pissed off and she sighed dramatically.

“Before you go ape shit on me, I went to the hair warehouse in Pitt’s street and bought colour and hair extensions for both of us.” She smiled triumphantly while I smiled.

“You sure do know how to turn this angry girl into a happy one.” I quipped.

“And fairly quickly too. Alright girl, I’ll go get everything ready. You can do my hair first then I’ll do yours.” I nodded my head, opening up my bedside drawers to get us some of my previous ‘hair-dyed’ tops and threw one at her.

“I don’t want us ruining these tops too.” She nodded her head as we took our tops off and quickly put on the older tops instead.

“Okay, give me ten minutes to mix my colour. In the meantime, go make sure you lock the bathroom so we get first dibs.”

After locking the door, keeping the bathroom keys in my hands, I went back in my room, only to smell high levels of dioxide and bleach chemicals. So, she is dying her hair white blonde. Nice! I wonder what colour I should go. Maybe, we should both go blonde.

“Lets get this show on the road.” Lia stated, bringing me out of my little fantasy of what I would like as a white blonde.

After about 3 hours of doing each other’s hairs, slipping in the extensions after we washed and blow dried our hairs, our look was complete. Well minus the make-up and clothes, but that is for another day.

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