chapter 25

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sorry for the delay, just been busy with uni enrolments and timetable registrations....anyways, this is the next chapter :) enjoy

btw, this has not been edited so if there are any mistakes, im so sorry :(


“My, my, my…what do we have here?” A fairly tanned guy known as ‘Chris’ taunted after he noticed I had his attention. I froze, staring into his dark eyes, eyes that for some reason were compelling me to not look away.

“Doesn’t she seem a little frightened?” Another guy asked, tone dripping with malice.

This time, I looked away from the first guy, only to see three different pairs of eyes staring back at me. Where the hell did they all come from? And why do they all look very similar with their dark clothing, piercings and tattoo’s. God, they’re going to hurt me. I thought frantically.

“What’s your name girly?” Chris asked, grinning evilly as he awaited my answer.

I gulped suddenly, looking stupidly between all the guys that were surrounding me. The first guy that saw and ratted me out to this ‘Chris’ guy was standing to my left, looking hungrily at my figure. I figured he was in his late teens with his tall, lanky figure covered in tattoos and a few face piercings. The next three guys standing opposite me looked frightening and hungrily as the rat on my left, though they looked much more monstrous, intimidating and as threatening as Chris, who I believe is the ‘ring leader’ to this group. 

“So do have a name girly?” I turned to my right, meeting Chris’ daunting glare, causing me to involuntarily shake with fright. He was definitely the leader to this group. There was no doubt about it.

“Why do you always ask for their names Chris? Let’s just take her somewhere and have a little bit of fun.” One of the three guys asked, sounding agitated and excited at the exact same time.  

“Shut it Fin.” Chris commanded; his tone eerily quiet. For some reason, his tone caused goose bumps to appear all over my bare skin which in turn, caused my already rapid heart to exceed control.

“Bu—“Chris interrupted the guy’s lame attempt at retaliation with an evil glare of his own. This caused all the guys to stare at each other, forgetting me at this moment in time.

Not one to waste an opportunity, I took a tiny step back, looking at the guys once more to make sure they didn’t notice my movement, before taking another step back. This continued until my back hit the wall.

It was then that I noticed a clearing to my left. I knew it would lead back to the dance floor but a stupid part of me didn’t want to go there. Not when Holly and Matt were probably groping and grinding over there. However, my fight or flight senses kicked in, and I knew it was impossible to fight, so the next best option was to keep on moving.

Taking a few tiny steps to the left, I managed to get out of the circle that those guys initially brought me into. I sent a quick thankyou prayer to the lord above as I kept on moving slightly to the left, until I was able to hear the loud, thunderous music once again. I smiled despite myself as I continued along the wall, nearing the dance floor.

“Hey get back here.” One of the guys yelled, as I ran towards the dance floor. My heart was pumping wildly in my chest as I attempted my escape, though the first kid who ratted me out caught up with me, pinning me towards the wall with his scrawny upper chest. Damn these heels! I thought irritably as well as hopelessly.

“Don’t you ever try to run from us again okay?” He threatened, holding my arms together on top of my head. To anyone from the outside, it looked like he was my boyfriend, leaning in to kiss me.

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