Chapter 1- Just Another Bad Day

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I turned the corner as I reached the street of my apartment. My legs were aching from the long walk I just took from my underpaid job to my apartment. I'd usually take the bus to work, but I guess today I ran short of the money I thought I had, and was stuck to walking for half an hour, in the rain..

As I knocked on my apartment door, I was greeted by Simrit Poona, my best friend I share the apartment with.

Together, Simrit and I have been through hell and back, and one thing I've learnt through it all is, it's life.

"Hey!" Simrit greeted me, opening the door welcomlingly.

"Hi." I said, plainly, grunting over my horrible day at work. Guess who had to teach the intern everything? Me.

"Bad day?" She asked, understanding my mood.

"Yep." I spoke, dropping my purse, and flopping down onto the couch.

Simrit handed me a glass of water, being the caring friend she is and asked. "And, why is that?"

"I had to walk to work in the rain, because I couldn't afford the fare for the bus, and then my boss ranted saying my uniform was wet, and was unacceptable. Then, this blonde intern chick, who I SWEAR looked just like Barbie, was so stupid, I had to train her, and ugh. Why is my life so horrible, Simrit?" I question, throwing my head into my hands.

"Hey, it's okay. Everyone has bad days, me, you, everyone! Tomorrow is a new day, relax Sierra." She spoke, rubbing her hand up and down the small of my back. One thing I loved about Simrit is how she was always optimistic.

I sighed, chunging down my glass of water, "I'm sorry, Sim," I speak, looking over at her.

She grabs my empty glass out of my hands, and walks towards our small kitchen, "Don't you worry, Si." She says, refering to me by my nickname, Si.

"Just another bad day. Just another bad day..."

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