Chapter 20 - The Unexpected (Part 1)

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(Zayn's POV)

Harleen, Louis, and I were now sitting on the bed in Sierra and I's room.

"What is it Louis?" I asked. He had been looking at Sierra and I for a while now.

He took a deep breath, "Look for yourself." He handed us his phone, it was open to a magazine's twitter page.

"Holy fucking shit." I couldn't believe it.

"Z-Zayn you said they wouldn't know...." Sierra trailed off.

"I- I didn't think they would figure it out. I just, wow." I was really unsure of what to say.

"Zayn! Please! Please fix this! I can't live now, they know about me now." She held my hand tightly.

" this is true?" Louis asked looking at us. Sierra's head dropped in shame.

I just nodded slowly.

"Damn. Fuck. Why didn't you two tell us?" Louis asked trying to be gentle about the topic.

"I just didn't want you guys to think of me differently." She said softly looking down.

"Sierra, you're our little sister why would we think of you differently? We love you, not as much as Zayn. Aha no one could come close to him, but we really do care about you. I think the other boys should know. Is that okay?" Louis asked. She nodded and I pulled her closer.

"Boys! Get your asses up here!" Louis yelled. They all came running into the room, Louis gestured for them to sit.

"Okay, so boys a secret has gotten out about Sierra. She's a stripper. And the paparazzi found out." Louis said going to straight to the point.

"Stripper? Her? Little Sierra? Zayn's girlfriend? The one sitting right there? Across from me? That loves to cook? Loves music and art?" Harry asked his jaw dropped.

"Yes Harry!" Louis screamed.

"But why?" Niall asked her.

"I need the money for studies." She muttered.

"But we can take care of that!" Liam said, and all the boys agreed.

"No, I'm not taking your money." She said simply looking up.

"Well, at least let us help with some of the cost." Louis protested.

She just shook her head.

"It's no use, she won't listen to us. I've tried to help her or at least get her to switch to a different job. But she does get a lot of money from it." I told them. She rested her head on my chest.

"Oh. But she's safe right?" Liam asked worried.

"Yeah, I went with her once she's perfectly safe." I smiled lying to them. That night was still in my head, those guys that had grabbed her and pulled her into the crowd.

"Okay good." Niall said hugging Sierra.

"Wait, can I come watch too?" Harry asked winking. Liam just hit his head. But Sierra gave out a laugh.

"Aww. Lili why did you do that?" Harry pouted.

"You are NOT going to a strip club. Besides Zayn would kill you." Liam said nodding at me. Harry turned to me with wide eyes. I just smiled at him innocently.

"Ahahaha." Sierra laughed filling the room with her beautiful laugh. She just kissed my lips. And I couldn't help but smile.

"Got it!" Louis yelled. Turning my phone around so I saw a picture of Sierra and I kissing. He quickly set it as my lock screen. She blushed, and I just couldn't get that huge smile off my face. I would love seeing that picture every day. We were both smiling into the kiss, and I'll be honest we both looked like hot messes. But she was still beautiful.

Today was a better day than I thought it would be.

"Can we eat now?" Niall asked. We laughed as started pulling Harry and Sierra off the bed so they could make some food. We all went downstairs and Harry and Sierra made some tacos.

We all ate a family. I smiled at the thought.


------(next day, Zayn's POV)------

I woke up because I heard Sierra run to the washroom and I heard her puking.

"Shit." I ran inside and sat down beside her holding her hair, as she leaned over the toilet throwing up.

She stopped puking and got up.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Yeah." She said and brushed, I joined her. We both headed downstairs.

"Zayn. Zayn help." She said grabbing the counter with one hand and using the other to hold her head.

"I think we should see the doctor." I said getting myself and her a jacket. We got into my Audi and I drove us to the doctors.

We sat in the waiting room.

"Sierra?" A nurse asked. We stood up and she led us to a room. There was a female doctor inside and she smiled at us.

"Hi there! You must be Sierra and you're her boyfriend Zayn?" She asked politely.

"Yeah. She's just been feeling sick this morning. Threw up and she was dizzy." I told her holding into Sierra's weak body tightly.

"Oh my, okay I'm just going to ask you to come to a different room for some tests. But Zayn you're going to have to stay here." She said. leading Sierra out of the room. I waited. I was starting to get scared.

"Alright, the tests are done." The doctor said walking back in. My head snapped up. Sierra came back to sit next to me.

Her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing my varsity jacket along with uggs and sweatpants.

"So, there's just one thing to say. I don't know whether you two will take it as good news or bad." She said looking at us.

"Sierra....." The doctor said trailing off.

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