Chapter 48

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"Well, well. Look who is here already," A very low pitched and dragged voice erupts from the end of the hallway. A man with a huge belly and almost bald head emerges and looks at us expectantly. He wears a small cotton shorts which have 'sexy' printed all over them. His eyes are sagged and he seems to be sleepy already.

Liam's fingers press over my wrist and rather forcefully, he pulls me towards his side.

"Go upstairs." Liam hisses and unclasps his hand to let me go. Before I can even ask him about his odd behaviour, the man speaks directly looking at me.

"You must be Tiara. God, I have been waiting to meet you since you got married." He smiles and his yellow, grossed teeth are on a show.

"And you are..." I try to speak.

"Oh," the man says brightly, "let me introduce myself." He takes a step towards us but Liam stands between the man and me like a tough wall, blocking my vision completely.

"Who gave you the permission to even talk to her, let alone 'introduce' your filthy self?" Liam says violently and my eyes widen at his sudden outburst. It's clear that he doesn't like him but he shouldn't be talking to an elder person like this.

The man cleanly ignores Liam and walks around to look at me.

"I am Frankenstein, dear, your uncle now. You can call me Frank, my family does." Liam's back tenses and he clasps my hand with his fingers again.

"Your family used to, Mr. Frankenstein. But I think you are clearly neglecting the fact that you don't belong in this family anymore." Liam speaks and I am taken aback by his behaviour. I don't know what to say or do so I just stand like a fool, witnessing the verbal assault.

"Liam," he finally looks at Liam tiredly,"I understand the predicament we are in right now. But I am just trying to know your bride."

"We are in a damn predicament right now only because of you and I don't want you to know my bride."

"Tiara," he turns to me, "you are so pretty. I bet you made a beautiful bride,didn't you? Our Liam doesn't deserve anything less than that, I tell you." What? Wasn't he present at the wedding? I try to recollect my time back at the wedding but I hardly remember anyone present there.

"Tiara, go upstairs and in the room to the left. Don't come out." Liam warns me and I have more than once become accustomed to this dominating nature of his. Normally I would fight back and tell him not to command me anything but then he says something which makes me want to listen to him immediately. "Please."

I nod my head and quietly make my way towards the stairs.

"Nice talking to you, Mrs. Payne. We will keep meeting now, I assure you."

I turn around just in time to look at the constant glaring match between both the men when Frank breaks the connection and looks at me, giving me the same dimpled smile which should have looked quite charming if his face wasn't wrinkled or sad permanently.

"It's alright Tiara, life goes on." Those were the last words I hear echo as I make my way up the stairs and in the room to the left. I quickly close the door behind me and leave the breath I didn't know I was holding all this time. It was evident how Liam loathed him but I felt I was overlooking something, did I miss something there? Frank looked a complete wreck and a junkie, completely contrasting every other member of Liam's family.

It's then I realise that I am in Liam's room. Realisation hits me and I look around like a child in an amusement park. I have never been able to look at what Liam likes or what he despises, even though I did pick up things about him, against his liking. His room is white, completely washed with white paint. A huge four poster bed lies at the end of the room with white linen spread across it. I walk around the room, examining the paintings and picture frames hung on the wall.

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