YML Chapter 1

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New story!!!!!!!!!!! READ!! PLEASE

Remember when you were younger and a boy would trip you and you'd go running and crying to your Mommy and she'd tell you that it was only becuase he had a crush on you? Fast forward about ten years and you're in Layla's sticky situation. Her best friend's brother has never been anything but a bully to her for reasons unknown. Nope, Noah doesn't hate her, he just has a big fat crush on her and gets nervouse easily around her. Surely it should be obvious that he lieks her but Layla just can't imagine Noah being into her. Of course that is before he practically seduces her in the bath tub. Rub a dub dub in the tub. Their relationship isn't very easy, of course there's the terrible ex's and the jealous whores who desperately wish that they were in Layla's shoes. At the end of the day, this is just your  typical high school teen romance, but with a crap load with of twists and turns, including a new best friend for Layla who used to be a part of bitchiest group in school that Layla and Jackson absolutely hate!

It may sound like a cliche but trust me here. How many of my stories start off sounding like your usual boring cliches? The Majority. Now how many turn out to be super cool and different from what you expected? That should be all of them right? Read up, you won't be dissapointed :)

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Chapter 1

Finally we're here. I've been sitting in this rental car for a whole ten minutes now! Yeah so okay, it's not that long of a drive, but when you're stuck in a car with your four younger siblings, three of which happen to be boys, it can get a little tiring. Not even the maximum volume on my Ipod can drown them out. Triplets, i feel bad for my mother sometimes. How did she survive being pregnant with three boys at once. I take that back. I do know, she had my sister who happens to be two years younger than me, and my help. By help I mean that we would run into the grocery store and get her a gallon of each different Ben and Jerry's flavor. To this day, about five years after she gave birth, Chunky Monkey is her favorite flavor.

"Paul, can you help the girls with their bags?" i looked at the way my mom gazed at my dad so lovingly. Maybe, oh just maybe, one day I'll look at someone like that. I emerged from the car one leg at a time and was hit with the humd, salt-water smelling air. The one thing that I love about living in Florida is the endless beautiful beaches that look as if they could stretch out for miles. And that exactly is why i decided to stay in Florida instead of going to Paris with the rest of my family. I'm crazy right? No, no I'm not. I've been to Paris many times. In fact, I'm so used to the tiny cars, driving on the wrong side of the road, and the typical guys that don't shower nor shave that sit in cafes and sip espressos all day. Been there done that, and don't want to live there... at all. My sister Lindsey and I decided to stay at my best friend Jackson's house.

I reached out to the trunk where my last bag rested against the upholstered storage area. I put my hand out to retreive the bag, and abruptly stopped when i almost peed in my pants. I hate being ticklish. It's a curse i tell you!

"Jackson stop it!" i screeched.

"Fine fine, but here let me help you," My best friend was such a gentlemen. He could teach a lot of guys a few lessons.

"Aww thanks Jaxx."

"Yeah, I know, I'm way better than your ex-boyfriend," i groaned at the mention of Shane. He wasn't the most polite or chivalrous guy. It was on rare occasions that he would open a door for me. "Let me say bye to my parents real quick." Jackson nodded, said goodbye to my family, and took my bags inside his highly attractive house.

The Freeney's had an absolutely beautiful home. There were many windows that let in gracious amounts of sunlight, balconies that showed amazing views, and a beautiful rustic yellow- orange color on the exterior. I told Jackson's parents many times that i wanted their archetect to design my house when i was older. They laughed and gave me his contact information that is still stored in my cell phone.

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