Chapter 2: The Mystery Shack

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I tripped, fell, ran, yelped, cried for help and got wiped with low hanging brances as I ran away from the hairy guy. I was breathing fast.

Branches hit any part of my body that wasn't protected. Every breath burned my lungs. I tripped on a fallen tree and the guy got a hold of my ankle. I screamed and kicked him in the face. He let go and I jumped back up. I don't know how long it was I ran, but I eventully saw a building. I ran towards it.

I got to the door and noticed that the guy wasn't behind me. He was lurking in the dark of the trees. I took a few gasping breaths, knowing I was safe, for now. I saw that the building was called The Mystery Shack.

"Interesting," I said. There where a bunch people walking around in there. Probably some tourist shop, I thought. I shrugged and glanced over my shoulder. The hairy guy growled at me. I jumped and went in.

It was a strange little shop. It was kind of unorganized. There was a girl with red hair behind the counter reading a magazine. Her name tag said Wendy. I looked around and saw that this was most likely a home. I looked around and saw some pretty weird stuff.

"Come on, Mabel!" Said a voice. "If we can get t-"

Something slammed into me, for the second time. I yelped as I fell on my butt. I looked up and saw a boy that looked about my age.

"Oh my gosh!" He said. He was in that awkward stage of puberty where his voice was still squeky, but maturing. "I'm so sorry!" He offered his hand. I took it.

"No, no," I said. "It's fine."

"Who's that, Dipper?" A girl asked. "Your new girlfriend?"

Dipper, or, that's what I assumed his name was, dropped my hand and his face got a little pink. "I don't know what your talking about," he said. "I was just being nice for knocking her over." He turned to me. "Sorry," he said. "Mabel can be annoying at times."

"I haven't seen you around town," Mabel said. "Are you new here?"

"My family and I are just staying for the summer," I said. I held out my hand. "Um, I'm Kayla."

Dipper shook my hand. "I'm Dipper Pines, and this is my twin, Mabel."

"Hi," Mabel said. "I'm the fun one."

"Not true!" Dipper said, straightening his hat. He turned to me. "What are you doing here?"

"Um..." I said. "I don't think you'll belive me if I told you."

"Try us," Mabel said. "We see weird stuff all the time!"

I saw Dipper give her a warning look. He opened his mouth to say something, when he was interupted by a man. "Hey, dudes."

I looked to see a big guy in a green shirt. "Oh hey," he said. "I'm Soos."

"Um, Kayla."

"Nice to meet you, Kayla," he said. He turned to Dipper and Mabel. "Have you two seen Stan? There's a leak in the pipes."

"I think he's busy giving tours," Dipper said. He turned to me. "What my sister was trying to say," Dipper said. "Well, we think that there's something going on in this town." He took a battered book with a gold hand on it. On the palm of the hand was the number 3. "This is a whole bunch of mysteries of Gravity Falls." He opened it to a random page.

"Cool," I said.

Dipper took a breath. "Look through this journal, and find what you saw."

I took the book and flipped through it. "Whoa," I said. "This is awesome! It's all here in Gravity Falls?"

Dipper nodded. "I've gone through this journal thousands of times, but I still have no clues on who the author is."

I flipped to the next page and almost smacked my face with the book. Of course! How hadn't I thought of this? I turned the book to face Mabel and Dipper. "Here. A werewolf."

Dipper took the book. "Hm..." he said thoughtfully. He went to the window and looked out. "What's his weaknesses?" He asked no one in particualar.

Mabel took the book. "Well,it doesn't like sunlight, but that won't stop it. Also..." she gasped. She looked at Dipper. "Bill."

I had no clue what or who they where talking about, but Dipper seemed to go pale. "W-what about him?"

"Wearwolfs are terrified of Bill," Mabel said. "Its one of there only weaknesses."

"Who's Bill?" I asked.

Dipper looked at me. "He's one of the most feared creatures in the journal. He has the power to invade people's brains-"

"Which he did to Gruncel Stan," Mabel chimed in.

"And possess people-"

"Which happened to Dipper," Mabel added.

"Yeah," Dipper said. "Anyways, we are not summoning Bill. Now, what else is there?"

"We could sacrifice someone to be eaten," Mabel said. "But I doubt we'll do that. Right?"

"Of course not," Dipper said. "Are you sure those are the only ways?" He took the journal from me. He looked it over closely, then sighed.
"Sorry," I said. They looked at me confused.

"What do you mean, 'sorry'?" Mabel asked.

"Well, I brought this thing here. If it wasn't for me, the werewolf wouldn't be here."

"Don't worry," Dipper said. "We'll get it out of here."

"And it would have found us sooner or later," Mabel said, putting an arm around my shoulder.

I smiled half-heartedly. "So you two don't mind if I tag along?"

Mabel smiled. "Would you!?" She looked at Dipper.

"You can," he said. "I mean, for one, if I said no, Mabel would pull you along anyways and second, you understand what's going on in this town and you've been here for, what, an hour? I'd want you to be on my team."

I smiled, this time it was genuine. "Let's go get this werewolf!"

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