03. ✅

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Walking with Riley and Liam, I listened as they argued back and forth about some television series they watch together. "I'm telling you that they belong together, its destiny!" Riley argued while Liam shook his head muttering things under his breath.

"No, impossible! She belongs with Stefan, and he just came from no where." Liam responded, waving his hands around as he spoke.

"No!" Riley said her face full of shock. "Delena one hundred percent. Gosh, can you believe him Chey?"

Looking at Riley shocked for bringing me into the conversation when we both know I don't watch the show. "I don't even know what Delena is? Is that a person? If so I feel bad for that person," shrugging my shoulders, I glanced towards the doors we were headed for before looking back at my friends to notice them gone. Stopping I looked behind me to see them both standing there with their mouths open as they stared at me in shock. "Are you trying to catch flies?" My question snaps them out of whatever they were in, causing them both to rush to my side.

"How do you not know who Delena is?"

"I don't even like them and I know what Delena is!" Both spoke at the same time, their mouths moving a mile a minute, numerous different things being told to me at once. Not bothering to say anything till they are done, I listen to them, catching bits and pieces, trying to make sense of what they are saying.

"So..." I paused for a moment looking between the two of them. "Delena is a fictional couple from a tv series called The Vampie Diares?"

"Yes!" Riley shouts throwing her arms into the air. I laugh as she cheers happily.

"I don't watch that show, you do remember that right?" I ask looking between the two of them as they cheer happily at me for getting the information correct.

They both pause before sharing a look, turning to me they smile in sync, making me step back slightly worried, "marathon," Riley grins.

"What? No!" I shout, shaking my head vigoursly.

"Please! Come on Chey!" Riley and Liam both began to beg, grinning as I finally gave in to them to get them to stop. I grummbled as the bell ring, shooting them both a look before walkking down the hall to my next class, giving up on skipping if it meant spending time with the two of them again. I love my best friends to death, but you can only deal with so much of them before you lose your cool. Now I just had to stay awake for my last class.


"Why must school be so boring!" I cried out as I entered the house. Both my father's and Stiles jeep were parked out front. Which meant they were back from Mexico.

"Whose the hottie?" I froze, eyes going wide and shifting to the person standing next to Stiles. He was hot, but he had a baby face.

"That's my daughter," Dad spoke up as Stiles elbowed the boy in the ribs.

"Who are you?" I asked, dropping my book bag from my shoulder.


"Miguel" Stiles spoke quickly, making my eyes widen as I finally realized who this person was. Derek was pretty good looking young and old. Lucky.

"Right, I remember you. We've met before." I said with a kind smile.

Actually Stiles just told me how much you hate being called Miguel.

"Well, I brought Chinese. Hungry?"



"No" Stiles responded with a pointed look towards Derek.

"Yes. I'm hungry" Derek argued back.

"Right, well, let's eat." Dad said, nodding his head towards the dining room table. He looked confused, as if he's never had something this weird happen before.

Get used to it dad. If you plan on sticking around, be prepared for some weird stuff to happen.


I don't think I've ever sat through a more awkward dinner than the one I just sat through. Dad kept asking Derek questions, and Derek, being the totally clueless one he is, asked questions about his family.

In a way, I felt bad. The poor sap didn't even know most of his family was killed in a fire, set by his girlfriend, ex-now. He probably didn't remember any of us, and by what Stiles told me, he only trusts Scott. Somehow Kate turned Derek back to his younger self, when he still trusted her. She obviously wants something.

And dont even get me started on how she is alive.

"So you are Scott's sister?" Derek asked as we sat on Scott's bed.

"Yeah, I'm a few years younger than him." I answered, glancing towards him before going back to picking at my nail polish on my fingers.

"How did you get bit?"

"I pissed off an alpha. He attacked me, and was going to kill me. But he wanted to get Scott. He knew how much Scott wanted to keep me from being a werewolf, so he bit me. I've been turning into a hairy creature sense then." I shrugged my shoulders, my eyes drifting towards Stiles, who was looking at me with sad eyes as I told the story. Both boys felt responsible for me being turned, and in a way they were.

"It isn't that bad." Derek said.

"To you. It's been your whole life. to me. It's only been five months. I'm not a big fan of hairy bodies and I don't like that I struggle for control still." I answered. It was silent for a few more minutes before Stiles headed towards the door and said something about getting a chair, leaving Derek and I alone in silence. "You shouldn't trust her."

Kate emerged from Scott's bathroom, her eyes holding an evil glint as she smirked at me. "Why would you tell him something like that?"

"Because you bur-" I stumbled backward as she quickly made her way towards me. Glaring I prepared myself to attack her, before I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything went dark.

Cheyenne ¤ Brett Talbot Where stories live. Discover now