10. ✅

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Gasping, I jolted up looking around wildly, my eyes shining a bright gold. "You're okay, calm down." Ignoring the words I growled, climbing down from the bed/table I was laying on, my eyes scanned the room my body tense.

"Cheyenne," Instantly my body relaxed, my eyes returned to their natural brown state and my mind became less disoriented.

"W-What happened?" I asked, my eyes meeting his blue ones.

"Violet tried to kill us," he said moving towards me but stopping slightly when I cringed remembering the pain that had spread through my body.

"We didn't die?" I asked, looking at him sadly.

"No, we are safe." He promised moving towards me again when I opened my arms. He wrapped his arms around me, my arms going around his waist my head burrying into his chest as he buried his in my hair.

"Where are we?" I mumbled breathing in his scent.

"Deatons," Smiling at the name of the close family friend that had cared for Scott and I for years, I hugged Brett closer as events from the game began replaying in my mind.

"You're a werewolf!" I gasped, my eyes widening as I pulled away and looked up into his eyes.

"So are you," he grinned.

"I couldn't smell you," I added, confused to realize that I honestly couldn't.

"You could but because we are each other's anchors we block out the werewolf scent and focus on the other scents that make us who we are." He answered pulling me close to him.

"I'm your anchor?" I asked shocked to learn this.

"Ever since I met you, you're all I can think about Cheyenne. I literally want to be beside you twenty-four-seven. I want to know everything about you. I want to be with you." Looking into his eyes, I listened to his heart searching for a proof of a lie. But found none. Grabbing the back of his neck, I pulled him down till our lips met and moved in perfect sync.

Words could never describe the happiness I felt at the moment, the complete and utter bliss. I felt safe beyond words, and protected by all means. I felt unstoppable, pulling his body closer to me as the kiss deepened, our breaths getting louder as we gasped for air, our lips never leaving each other's skin. His lips trailed down my neck, leaving a burning passion in their wake before they returned to my lips assaulting them with no thoughts of stopping.

A throat clearing behind Brett had us pulling apart, both of us blushing as we turned to face Deaton and Stiles, the latter had a grossed out face with a hint of anger.

"There's something you need to know," Deaton spoke. "Now both of you are going to be weak for a few days. The wolfsbane that was used was strong, and even after cutting it out of your system it is still partially there. "

"What happened to Violet?" I asked, crossing my arms as I waited for an answer from Deaton.

"She's been arrested, they are looking for Garrett though so be careful."

Nodding my eyes drifted over to Brett before landing on Stiles, "And Scott?"

"He's fine. Just a little cut that heeled much faster than yours did." Deaton answered.

"He knocked Violet out," Stiles added making my eyes widen in shock. "He was terrified when he saw you laying on the locker room floor barely breathing."

"Where is he?" I asked softly, wanting to fix things between my brother and I. The reality that one of us could die any day had finally settled in after the close call last night. I didn't want to never see my brother again with the last words I spoke to him being angry words. I love Scott, he's my brother, my best friend, my partner in crime. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him and I never told him I forgave him-that's right, I forgive him. What's the piont in being mad and angry over something he did simply to keep me safe and protected. How can I be mad at him for that. When it finally settled in how irrational I was being, I realized I can't. I can't be mad at him for doing his job as a brother and trying to protect me.

"He's at your house, waiting for you to come home. He's trying to keep your mom calm." I nodded before moving to leave, stopping briefly to press a kiss to Bretts lips.

"Call me," I said softly before leaving and making my way home. Its time to fix things with my brother.


"Is three enough?" Kira asked as we all stood around in Scotts bedroom.

"Depends on how many cameras they have. But I think so." Stiles answered looking at the laptops before looking at Scott.

"Are we really doing this?" Lydia asked.

"We're doing it. Tonight." Scott pulled me into his side.

"I hate this plan" I mumbled clutching his shirt into a fist. Its been about a week since we made up and so much has happened.

"But isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam asked looking at his alpha worked as Riley clutched onto his shirt in fear.

"It's incredibly dangerous. And borderline idiotic." Riley snapped, glaring at Stiles and Scott for even coming up with the idea.

"Have you guys done something like this before?" I almost giggled as I realized Liam was still so new to having Scott and Stiles around.

"Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?" Stiles asked.

"I think it's a yes to both." Giggling at the expression on Kiras face as if she couldn't believe it.

"You don't have to be part of it if you don't want to." Scott spoke looking at both Liam and myself.

"I'm not scared." Liam answered.

"Then you're borderline idiotic. If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?" Stiles said, looking at me with pleading eyes. Begging me to not get involved. But I had to, we had to know who the benefactor is.

"How do we even know something's definitely coming?" Kira asked.

"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required." Scott answered.

"Simon said the same thing. He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." Simon was a teacher at school who poisoned Scott, Kira, and Malia and also tried to kill Stiles but my dad killed him first.

Like i said, a lot has happened.

"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof?"

"You don't get paid." I answered removing myself from my brothers arms so I could look him in the eye as he explained this idiotic plan.

"But how does that get us any closer to The Benefactor?" Riley asked.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead."

"Especially if it's someone high on the list." Stiles added.

"So, if he wants visual confirmation..."

"He's going to have to come get it himself." Scott answered.


Sirens wailed loudly throughout beacon hills, my body shook with sobs as the paramedics burst through the doors of the hospital. Rushing after them I followed them as along as I could before a doctor held me back telling me I had to wait. Wrapping my arms around myself I paced the hallway by the door, tears steadily making their way down my face as my breathing picked up. Feeling the beginning of a panic attack I chanted softly in my head to keep it from happening.

"Now, why don't you tell me what's really going on?" A doctor who I noticed was in the room with Scott came around the corner with mom, whose eyes immediately landed on me. She rushed to my side pulling me into her arms as I broke down in sobs, loud cries leaving my mouth as I hugged my mother tightly. Suddenly, her loud cries filled the silent hospital halls, as she fell to the ground pulling me with her as we both cried and sobbed loudly. Her cries mixing with screams of pure agony.

"What happened to my son?" She screamed out in a cry like manner.

Hugging my mother tightly we both sobbed, barely registering the hand that landed on our backs rubbing in a soothing motion trying to calm our wails. But nothing could ever make me feel better, my best friend, my partner in crime, my brother was gone and he wasn't coming back. The pain was unbearable, consuming me whole as I fought to control the cries leaving me.

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