15. ✅

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"Everything's better now--no more assasins. We can be together now."

"Everything's changed."

"We don't have to worry or hide. Your brother knows, right? Surely Stiles told him."

"No more death."

"We can be happy, normal teenagers. Well as normal as werewolves can be."

"It's not over."

"Go on a date with me. A real date."

"Kate is still loose."


Jumping I looked at Brett with wide eyes, "What?"

"Did you not hear anything I just said?"

"I'm sorry," I said softly, meeting his blue eyes. "I just have a lot of my mind."

"What do mean, it's over. There are no more assasins. No one is trying kill us."

Sighing, I shifted so I could lay my head on his chest, "Its not completely over."

"What do you mean?" Brett ran his fingers up and down my back, spreading chills through my body. Slowly, I began to tell Brett the story of Kate Argent. Any day now, she would show her face again.

"Does stuff like this follow you guys everywhere??" He questioned when I finished. Nodding my head I moved so I was laying spread out on my bed. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

Looking up at Brett who was leaning over myself, I smiled softly pushing myself up and connecting our lips. Happiness washed over me, as our lips moved in sync pushing away all the thoughts of things that could happen or would happen. We got lost in each other, slowly peeling away our clothing.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


"They're still not here." Liam said looking at Stiles. We stood on the field, both boys getting ready for their game against Devenford.

"Okay, what's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another 24 hours. Liam, you're gonna be fine. Okay? Just try not to rage out on anyone." Stiles said trying to cheer him up.

"You're not worried?" Liam asked.

"-okay, I'm mildly concerned." Stiles responded.

"Mildly." Liam looked at him like he was insane. "We're gonna lose without him.

"No, we're not. We can be just as good without Scott. Okay? I've been practicing. Let me tell you something. I'm getting good. Really good." Chuckling at Stiles, I full on laughed as the whistle blew and he tripped falling on his face. He shot me a glare before nodding, "Yeah. I'm gonna call Scott again."

Turning to Liam I spoke up, "just take calm deep breaths. You will be fine. Plus Riley should be here in a few minutes." Liam nodded before making his way into field.

"All right. Neither of them are answering. I gotta go see what's going on." Stiles spoke walking up to Liam. Listening in to the conversation I could see Liam panicking as he looked at Stiles.

"You're leaving? What are you going to tell Coach?" Liam only seemed to be freaking out even more, going out of his mind with worry and fear.

"Stupid! Stupid old..." Coach muttered walking by the boys.

"Uh, you don't tell him anything. Okay? Liam, you're gonna be okay. All right?" The whistle blew and Liam made his way out onto the field as Stiles rushed over to Malia and his father explaining the situation.

Cheyenne ¤ Brett Talbot Where stories live. Discover now