01. ✅

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Werewolf Hunters






None of those creatures were supposed to be real. But I can assure you they are real. My brother, he's a werewolf.

Didn't see that one coming.

My best friend's sister, a Banshee.

I thought she went crazy.

My brothers English teacher, a Durach.

She's dead now.

My brothers ex-girlfriend, a werewolf Hunter.

Forever you will be missed.

Oni, some Japanese ninja thing.

I'm still working on that one.

Nigitsune, an evil Fox that possessed my brothers best friend.

He's normal now. Somewhat.

Kitsiune, my brothers current girlfriend.

Didn't dodge the supernatural gene there.

Were-coyote, my brothers best friends girlfriend.

She lived in the woods for...9 years?

I think that's all of them so far. I'm still new to this whole supernatural world. Its more or less Aiden's fault.

Don't piss off an alpha.

That's a life lesson.

Anyways, most of it's confusing, but I'm getting the hang of it.

Thanks to Riley.

"Cheyenne!" Glancing one last time at myself in the mirror, I made my way down the stairs towards my brother. His eyes scanned my outfit before he shook his head, obviously not liking it. "Too much skin." he muttered glaring at my stomach, which was showing with my crop top. It was the first day back after break, and unlike my brother, I had to go to school.

Gotta look nice.

I wore a cut Metallica shirt, a pair of high-waisted shorts and vans, plus my leather jacket. My hair was perfectly wavy and my make-up was simple. A few wrist bands here, an anklet there, and I was ready.

Feeling quiet confident if I may say so.

"I'm not changing." I muttered walking past him and out the door. His dirt bike, otherwise known as our means of transportation, set side ways in the drive way, our helmets hanging off the handles.

"Why do you insist on showing so much skin! I'm not going to be there today to fend off the guys!" Scott groaned following me out the door.

"Well, maybe if you would take me with you to Mexico..." I muttered grabbing my helmet. Stupid brother. Going to Mexico. Making me go to school.

Like I pay attention there.

"It's too dangerous. We don't even know where Derek is." Scott's sighed. Throwing a leg over his bike, he set down and waited for me to get on before putting his helmet on and starting up the bike. Slipping my helmet on, I wrapped my arms around his waist just as he took off towards the school.

"Remember, I won't be here the rest of the week. You are going to have to find a ride." Scott said as he stopped at the school.

"I'll walk," I muttered stepping towards the school, only for Scott to grab my wrist.

"Cheyenne, get an actual ride. It's too dangerous to be walking around." he stated softly.

"I'll be fine Scott," I spoke loudly, ripping my hand from his wrist. "I'm a werewolf, remember?" I added, watching as he visibly flinched at the word.

"Please," He added softly.

"I'll think about it," I said before walking off without a backwards glance.

Quit trying treating me like I'm a baby.

The School hallways were crowded as students shouted and cheered about seeing their friends.

Not like they didn't see them over break. Or just talk to them that morning.

It was loud and rambunctious throughout the halls, lockers slamming open and close, people laughing loudly. Pushing my way through a group of preppy freshman I made my way to my locker, ignoring the looks I got.

"How's my sunshine this morning?" Glaring at the arm that was thrown over my shoulder, I followed it up to its owner. Mason.

"I hate people." Was my response as I stopped at my locker.

"Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?" Garrett asked with a laugh as Violet and himself joined us at my other side.

"No one!" I snapped. "They are all just so peppy and happy to see each other. When they just saw each other. Don't they ever get tired of seeing each other's faces?" I asked, calming down as I spoke.

"They like each other. They're weird like that." Violet shrugged, leaning into Garretts side.

"Barf." I whispered to Mason as the two began to kiss. Grabbing the last of my needed books, I slammed my locker shut loudly, causing Garrett and Violet to jump apart. "That was funny!" I giggled, as they glared a me.

"There's that laugh we all know and love!" Mason said wrapping an arm around my shoulders again.

"Sorry guys, I guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Come on, we should get to class." Garrett said after a moment of silence.

"Where's Liam and Riley?" I asked after a moment. "I thought Liam said he was starting today?"

"He is, he had to get his stuff. Riley said she would meet him and show him around before class." Violet said as we made our way through the halls.

"McCall!" Jumping, I looked over towards coach who was marching my way, his clipboard in his hand.

"Coach?" I asked turning my head to the side. I didn't have him till third.

"Where's your brother? He wasn't at practice."

"On Vacation. " I muttered, watching as coach looked beyond confused.

"What? Why are you here!?" Did this man not know how to not yell?

"He went with his friends on a camping trip. That's why Stilinski isn't here either."

"Oh. Your dismissed. Go! Go! Go!" Jumping I took off speed walking down the hall, wanting nothing more than to get away from the psycho coach.

A/N: Editing is in process! Chapters with a ✅ have been edited!

Cheyenne ¤ Brett Talbot Where stories live. Discover now