09. ✅

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Standing on the field next to Liam, Riley and Mason I refused to look over at Brett as he came out of the locker room shirtless.

Okay, I might've glanced. Can't blame me.

"You've got this Liam," I said softly, looking at my best friend. Riley nodded, leaning forward and pressing her lips to his quickly.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me. I think I can take him." Liam said as he and Riley separated, his words partially lost to me as I stared at Brett, our eyes meeting briefly, pain in both of our eyes.

"Yeah." Eyeing Mason, I chuckled realizing he was watching Brett as well.

"What do you think you're doing?" Liam snapped glaring at his best friend.

"What? Me?" Laughing I watched as Mason tried to defend himself. "Agreeing with you. I'm being agreeable." Nodding as if to prove he was telling the truth, Mason barely pried his eyes away from Bretts body. Not that i blamed him.

"You think he's hot, don't you?" Riley asked, chuckling along side me as Liam watched in disbelief.

"No! No. Not at all. No way! Maybe. Yeah, maybe a little." Laughing loudly, I didn't even bother trying to quiet it as members from both teams looked towards us.

Rolling his eyes at me, Liam looked at his best friend as if he was crazy, "He wants to destroy me."

"I think you could definitely take him. And then give him to me." Mason nodded as if it was the best answer to the problem Liam was facing.

"He's a bit taken," Riley spoke up making both boys look at her shocked, Liam's face going red in anger. "Cheys been hooking up with him for weeks."

"No, no just go out there and kick their smug prep school asses." Coach made his way by us looking at Liam before sending a small glance towards me. I smiled, glad Liam couldn't comment on Brett and I.

"All right."

"Let's go! Let's go, come on! Hey, McCall, I said get your ass out on the field." Coach yelled startling me slightly. Searching I found my brother still on the sidelines, his eyes on Liam and I before he moved towards coach.

"But Coach, his leg's still healing. I don't think he should play." Scott spoke, his hand on Liam's shoulder.

"He said it's fine."

"As Captain, I'm suggesting Liam sit out the game." Couch blatantly laughed in Scotts face.

"And as, uh, President of the United States, I'm vetoing that suggestion."

"Coach you're not president." I said barely dodging his flailing arms at my comment.

Its a grown up Stiles.

"What if he gets hurt?"

Before coach could responded, Brett shouted from where his team stood, "Hey, Liam! Think fast!" A lacrosse ball came flying, heading straight for my face, my eyes widening in shock before Liam caught it inches from my face.

"Dick," I growled glaring at Brett whose eyes were just as wide.

"Oh, he plays." Couch said before a whistle blew, making me cringe and jump in shock. "There you go, Liam! Liam! Stilinski! McCall!" Couch never seemed to have a calm moment. "Little McCall! Off the field!"

"Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?" Moving off to the side, I listened to Kira, Stiles and Scott speak.

"Because it usually does."

"Kira, you keep an eye on Garrett. I'll watch out for Liam."

"Yeah, I'm just gonna try to play lacrosse. All right." Giggling I whispered, knowing Scott would hear me.

"Key word there is trying." Scott sent me a grin before moving into position right in front of Brett. I noticed as he stiffened immediately, recognizing his sent from all the times Brett and I hung out and I returned smelling like him.

"Brett, I know you guys feel like you owe Liam some payback for what he did, but could you just hold off for one night? Trust me. One night." Proud at Scott for not freaking out I smiled softly.

"Yeah, I can do that." Brett answered sounding serious.


Brett chuckled before answering, "No."

"Hey I'm gonna run to the restroom real quick," I told Riley, who was sitting with Mason and Violet. Standing from the bleachers I made my way into the school, cringing as loud screams and shouts came from the field. Shaking my head I quickly stepped into to the restroom, doing my business before exiting and making me way towards the doors to leave.

"Two betas in one night," I froze, twisting to look at Violet who stood in the doorway of the boys locker room. A nasty grin on her face she moved slightly, allowing me to see who was behind her. Gasping at seeing Brett, his eyes flashing from his natural blue to a bright gold, I moved towards him before sharp pain erupted through my side a growl-slash-cry escaping my lips as I fell to the ground.

"Chey!" At Bretts startled cry I looked up, fighting the pain as my eyes flashed between their natural brown and the bright gold I've become accustomed to.

"Brett," I said softly, growling as pain spread through my body. I began to move towards him, as he began to move towards me. Our hands touched, our fingers intertwining together we pulled ourselves closer to each other.

"How cute, two little betas falling for each other." Violet sneered her eyes full of venom.

"Why are you doing this to us!" I growled out fighting my body from fully shifting. I groaned as breathing began to become a struggle, a burning sensation in my neck as a wire wrapped tightly around it. Eyes wide, I clutched onto Bretts hand like it was my lifeline, hearing as he too was struggling. Smoke began to rise in the air as the wire burned into our necks, prepared to behead us.

"Brett! Cheyenne!" Suddenly the wires were gone, the burning on my neck changing to a dull pain as the wolfsbane spreading throughout my body caused an intense amount of pain. Laying flat on the floor, my hand still clutching Bretts as his clutched mine back, I listened as my brother entered, Violet attacking him before the pain become unbearable and my vision faded into blackness.

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