02. ✅

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There comes a time in your life when you want nothing more than to beat your brother with a frying pan. Usually it's the older sibling wanting to hit the younger one. I may be younger, but I can feel it. Walking through Beacon Hills, my legs aching from all the walking, I wanted nothing more than to beat my brother with a frying pan.

We have to go to Mexico He said. You have to stay here. He added.

It fucking sucks being here.

Its hotter than a monkeys ass, for one. Two, I'm pretty sure someone is following me. Three, I have to go to school still. Four, I really really have to pee.

The leather jacket I had been wearing earlier has been stripped off and my hair has been thrown up into a messy bun. Footsteps could be heard behind me and it was kinda freaking me out.

Coming to a stop, I listened as the steps behind me stopped, before I turned on my heel. A boy, about my age, stood a few feet away from me. He was tall, and undoubtedly hot.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked, tilting my head to the side in a curious manner.

"Yeah, I'm trying to find the veterinarian clinic." He spoke up, following my actions.

"Its up the street about half a mile," I muttered before turning on my heel and continuing the way I was going. His footsteps followed behind me for a little while before they speed up and he was at my side.

"Are you supposed to be a rebel or something ? " he asked after a moment of walking along side me.

"No. I'm a rocker." I shot him a quick look that said 'why are you walking with me', and hoping he caught the sarcasm in my words.

"Mhhm. It works for you." He said after a moment. Obviously not catching that I didnt want to be bothered. "Most chicks that try to be rock look gothic." he added after a pause.

"Gee. Thanks." Apparently he didn't get it.

"What's your name?" He asked after a moment of silence other than our feet hitting the pavement.

"What's yours?" I shot back, not wanting to tell him mine. Not knowing if I could trust him. Learned something from Scott's mistakes. Don't trust people easily.

"I asked you first." he retorted.

"I asked you second." Snapping, I hiked my bag further up on my shoulder.

"Why won't you tell me?" he asked.

"How do I know I can trust you." He seemed to think over my words before speaking.

"If I wanted to do something, I would have already done it." Considering his words, I realized he was correct. "But, I'll go first. My name's Brett. Brett Talbot."

He stuck his hand out as we stopped walking, looking down at it I sent him a weary glance before speaking, "Cheyenne. Cheyenne McCall." Taking his hand I let him shake mine before removing it.

"Its nice to meet you Cheyenne." he said with a smile that looked like more of a smirk.

"Hmmm. Most people say that." I sent him a quick smile before pointing at the building behind him. "There's the vet clinic." Turning on my heel, I continued down the road smirking as I heard him call a thanks after me. Glancing back, I found him watching me as I walked, a small smile forming on his face.


"How was school?" Mom asked as I entered the house. She was dressed in her scrubs and had her purse at her side, obviously getting ready to leave.

"Annoying. " I muttered dropping my bag by the door. "why are they so excited to see each other everyday?"

" Who, sweetie?"

"All the people at school. There was a group of girls that screamed because they saw each other. Then they proceeded to hug and jump up and down and squeal about seeing each other." Explaining, I walked towards the kitchen, mom following behind me.

"Some people are just like that." Was her response. "Anyways, I need to go to work. Your dad said something about coming by for dinner with Scott and you."

"Scott is in Mexico." I muttered grabbing an apple out of the basket on the counter.

"I know, but we can't tell your father. So it will just be the two of you at dinner." Walking towards me, she placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you sweetie. But I've got to go so I'm not late."

"Be safe Mom," I said giving her a hug. I watched as she exited the kitchen, the sound of the front door slamming shut behind her a few moments later. Sighing I made my way towards the stairs, wanting nothing more than to climb into bed with my laptop and scroll through tumblr for hours while blaring Bring Me The Horizon.

Half way up the stairs, I froze as the door bell rang. Frowning I poked my head down the hall, wishing I had magical powers that let me see through things.

No, instead I have freaky strength, hearing and healing abilities.

"Coming!" I called as the person pressed the doorbell again. Huffing, I made my way down the stairs and towards the door, ready to glare at whoever was on the other side and wouldn't go away. "What?!" I snapped ripping the door open.

"Cheyenne?" I looked at my father shocked, wondering why he was here before mom's words registered in my mind.

I really should listen more.

"Dad?" I asked, stepping back so he could enter the house, he carried a bag of Mexican takeout.

That's not Ironic at all.

"I brought Mexican." He said as I shut and locked the door, holding up the bag of food, an uneasy smile on his face.

"You do know Scott's not here right?" I muttered walking down the hall.

"Where is he?" Dad asked, his eyes roaming over my outfit in an overprotective father way. I rolled my eyes turning away from him in annoyance.

What is with the men in this family?

"Camping with Stiles." I grabbed plates from the cupboards as dad took the food out of the bag, then placed the apple I grabbed earlier back in the basket with a sigh.

"Oh." he muttered, pushing a container over towards myself. "Did you wear that to school?" he added after a moment.

"Yes I did," I snapped.

"Right," he muttered going back to his food. I sighed feeling partially bad. Don't get me wrong I love my dad, I just still hold a grudge for him walking out on us. I always will.

"Sorry, I'm just annoyed today," I muttered after a few moments of silence.

"It's fine." he responded as we moved from the island to the table. "So, how was your first day back at school?"

"It was pretty annoying. But my friend Liam transferred to Beacon Hills and I have a lot of classes with him." And just like that I told my dad, who I wasn't even that close with, everything that happened today. I smiled and laughed. Happy to be able to talk about something normal and have someone actually listen and care.

Whenever I try to talk to mom, she's either dealing with Supernatural things or getting ready for work. We don't get to have our conversations like we used too, where we would talk about everything random and I could tell her about boy troubles or how my day at school was.

Sadly it was the same with Scott. It seemed like the only time we talked lately is when I snap at him and he treats me like a baby. I hate it. I miss being able to talk to him about everything and going to him to cry over a boy. I wanted that back. But I knew it wouldn't happen. He was a true Alpha. That came first.

I wish everything could go back to normal.

Cheyenne ¤ Brett Talbot Where stories live. Discover now